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2011年1月8日 星期六

Why do Babies Cry at Birth

Homepage ? ? why Babies Cry at Birth Why Babies Cry at Birth-drop of water until the fetus is so close to his mother, his mother a good and bad feelings feeling may hear the sounds and music that exists and to be heard from the mother with the baby (9) month period.

That listening to Mozart Adds intelligence baby song, of course, the theory of non-refillable pocket Flint lighters originating on the assumption that the infants and mothers come to hear the song, to feel the beauty together. Peace and improve performance with the metabolism of the lead in such a way that it is so good for development. Whenever the baby listens to the beat, respiratory, something to appease him and his mother, knowing my mother was always nearby.

So, when you were born into the world, the baby should be breathing itself healthy babies, of course. Then he has been held away from his mother, not to beat him, a new sound to appease the startle lively baby and he wanted to be near a mother must feel safe. So come with new ways to begin is called Early, breastfeeding (IMD), born once infants will be placed on the mother-to-chest, because his mother heard, after which the milk makes him the excitatory odor vaistomaisesti return to beat tries to move toward the Areola Start breastfeeding mothers, this is the beginning of a good life.

But this theory does not always agreed, even though the health officials. When the baby is born immediately moved to another room opposite the component type-approval mark with her mother as a result of the further monitored or warmed her baby to her mother in the past, back to the tired, the reasons for separating different only. No this and children is 9 months, but not filled directly after the meeting that are adjacent to each other, why pull. : (

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