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2011年1月12日 星期三

Avoid alcohol alcohol and drugs to hire

Small businesses are at greater risk of rent and then suffer the consequences of drug and alcohol addicts than larger companies. Why? Because smaller businesses tend to more casual in their recruitment practices. The larger the company, the more likely it is that they have a drug testing program in place. Project applicants who do not pass a drug test will probably not bother to apply it to a company that mandatory positive drug testing does and will instead seek a job with a company that is not drug testing.

The results of hiring such a candidate is not always clearly visible. Substance abuse in the workplace is insidious. Unless there is an accident or the crisis of some sort, you may not realize that the culprit is literally a negative impact on your bottom line.

Losses in five areas:

-Productivity. People who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol (or suffering hangovers) are likely to be slower and less effective than those who do not work properly.

-Absenteeism and tardiness. For many, drug and alcohol abuse as part of a lifestyle where work responsibilities are a low priority; If this is the case, to work on time or all alone doesn't matter.

-Medical claims. Drug and alcohol abusers are more likely to suffer from related and other health issues.

-Theft. Addicts can steal from you to be able to afford to buy their drugs.

-Accidents. People whose senses and the responses are dulled by substance abuse are more likely to be involved in accidents.

Moreover, it is increasingly for employers to be held liable in court for the conduct of employees both on and off the job, as long as they are active in the framework of their employment. For example, if your employee a customer takes out for dinner, has a couple of drinks and is involved in a car accident on the way home, that you may be liable.

Establishing a substance abuse prevention program with positive drug testing can reduce both losses and liability. It can also work as a marketing tool because you can promote the fact that your customers trust your products and services your company can because a drug-free workplace. A growing number of large companies and Government agencies require that their suppliers a kind of drug-free program.

An effective drug-free work programme includes:

-A written policy that clear expectations, articulates practices and consequences.

Employee education and awareness.

-Control training.

-Drug and alcohol testing as appropriate and necessary.

-Employee assistance plan.

Jacquelyn Lynn is the editor of flashpoints newsletter. Flashpoints is a comprehensive information resource for business owners and managers who want to take their effect on the Flash Point. Visit to sign up for a free subscription to flashpoints newsletter plus an additional free gift: the mindset of high Achievers by J.K. Harris and Jacquelyn Lynn.

Jacquelyn Lynn is also the author of more than 20 books, including the Almanac of the entrepreneur; Online shopper's survival guide; Make great profits on eBay (with Charlene Davis); In Search of the five-cent nickel (with Don Abbott); and 11 titles in Entrepreneur media Startup Guide series. She is also the host and executive producer of Doing It Right on Radio

