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2011年1月6日 星期四

Drug Test Types

The types of tests drugs reviewed following article Focus on testing that guarantee a quantity result. Those are the tests that give an employer information more valuable. The following article do not touch on tests using thin-layer chromatography. During the test, the substance tested moves on a solid. The distance of that movement is then compared with the move from a standard. Chromatography thin allows the employer to learn or not some drugs are in the system of an employee, but it does not reveal exactly how much of that drug is in his system.

Drug testing requires possession of a substance verifiable. Such a substance must come from a part of the body that is known to contain the drug of interest. A drug test to discover hair drug testing in the past, as well as the recent use of drugs. Any drug metabolite in the blood at the end journey to the head, where has the possibility to remain in the hair.

THC Drug Test

Still a drug test are not always try to uncover the proof of use of drugs in the past. For this reason, the hair drug test is not the most favored the various types of drug test. Asked to choose a type of drug test, an employer generally selects the urine test. This is the least expensive type of drug testing.

Savings from the decision to use a urine test reduce the ability of the employer to feel secure about your test results. The blood test is the most sensitive drug test. Unfortunately, it is also the most expensive type of drug testing.

Hair drug test, drug test blood and urine test all require a bit of planning by the employer. Those three tests must be done on a schedule. Saliva drug testing can be a test for the tank. Proof of saliva can offer that an employee has recently used meth, alcohol, marijuana or cocaine.

A drug test can be categorized according to the substance that is tested. A list of types of drugs test can also provide details on the methodology used in the verification process. Initial A drug test is usually an immunoassay. The kit is designed to facilitate the binding of antibodies and a drug (or metabolites than drugs).

The cheapest type of immunoassay using enzymes. You call the technique of enzyme multiplied. While simple and economic, that kind of test cannot be counted on to provide reliable results.

The military has the resources to technical performance radioimmunoassay. Reading from an immunoassay is taken from a machine that can detect radiation. A radioisotope competes with drugs as a substance that can be associated with a particular antibody. Fluorescence polarization is the basis for the most frequently used techniques immunoassay. When a drug test includes the use of fluorescent polarization, then selected antibodies display their affinity for a medication, or its metabolites.

If any of the above types of drug test yields a positive result, an employer asks an observation confirms normally. Confirmatory test is done by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Gas chromatograph separates the components in substance tested. The looks of spectroscopy for signs spy who a drug of interest (or metabolite) is present in any of these separate components.

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