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2011年1月30日 星期日

How the 17-day diet Works

17-day diet-17 days of diet, featured Dr. Phil and the doctors TV show is here only for the holidays and new years resolution show 2011 in time.

17 days of the date on which the operation of the diet

Dr. Moreno's own diet plan works mixed with metabolism. It does this change the performance of the four cycles of carbohydrates, proteins and fats to eat every few days over the amounts. Each section has a different goal. The four test cycles are:

1. speed up – in this section to promote fat burning, cleaning and fast weight loss without the fat.
2. the provisions of this section to activate – returns the user's metabolism.
3. the provisions of this section teaches you how to achieve – good eating habits, and explains how to eat carbs in the right way.
4. Incoming – this section combines three of the first cycle.

Even though it contributes to the reduction of weight quickly, first it is based on the lean proteins, vegetables, fruits and whole grains, eventually.
Achieved: "good" carbohydrates are the body
Arrive: Lifestyle eating plan that combines for the first 3 rounds
For 2 servings per day: choice of Probiotic either 6 oz sugar 1 Cup yogurt, kephir Breakstone LiveActive cottage cheese Cup, 1/2 or 1 Cup low-fat milk, Acidophilus. Other dairy products, except for the fat free cheese, fat-free sour cream, and spices, and control. Vegetables are limited to "Cleaning vegetables": Artichoke Hearts and artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, peppers, Bell (all colors), carrots cauliflower Celery, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, green beans, kale, leeks, lettuce (all varieties), mushrooms, Okra, onions, Scallions, parsley, spinach, tomatoes, Watercress.

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