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2011年1月3日 星期一

Fresh milk twice a day

Homepage ? Fresh milk Fresh milk twice a day twice a day Fresh milk twice a day,-milk nutrition is essential for the achievement of the development of the child's health and non-discriminatory. Parents do not often, unfortunately, to provide milk for children. On the other hand, the children are also increasingly reluctant milk to drink.

The Center for Health Promotion Kemenkes Dr. Lily P. Sulistyowati said that, ideally, children to drink milk twice a day. "Drink milk, twice a day."If you are careful and balanced food drink milk until old age bones and teeth are well preserved, whether or not in front of the osteoporotic, he said that the various soininen elementary school took part in the world School milk day Keong Mas, TMII, Saturday celebration children hundreds (25/09/2010).

For this reason, the Ministry of health continues to hold to drink milk with various parties, milk consumption in Indonesia, for example, Tetra Pak has grown with the campaign.

The campaign took place mainly to encourage children to consume fresh milk shall be considered to be better than the powder or sweetened condensed milk. Lily for healthy old age, according to them, there is a risk to human health should be maintained after the early, mainly drink milk.

Lily encourages children to Start drinking milk before the shipment along with the breakfast on a daily basis. Consequently, the concentration and the length of time it takes for the children to wake up very well.

"Breakfast it is important to your school. The menu also may ask the chicken still in baseball, it does not exist, so the food is balanced with a variety of nutrition and "he added.

Fruit consumption must also be taken into account. Ideally, four or five daily servings of fruit for consumption should children. Parents must also take account of the evolution of the pattern of the child's body. Be too fat, too skinny. Large children's bodies are very much in accordance with the species height should be ideal.

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