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2011年1月17日 星期一

90% of the women's Bored with her life

Homepage ? ? 90% of the women's Bored with the her life, 90% of the women's Bored with her life, the objective of the study, but not limited to, fruit, Florette brand fast food, it was found that 90% of the women feel more. All are British residents in the defendants that they feel bored with the same repeatedly again routine, every day.
Respondents were asked, what could make them feel happier and same survey respondents said they would be pleased, if you put things in life itself. Here are the results of the investigation:

1.90% of the agreed their frustration will be reduced if they produce the aims is more spontaneous in their everyday life.

2. a 6 out of 10 are willing to ruin their daily routine by going on an airplane, far from the place itself.

3. one third of respondents wish to emigrate, if they have the courage.

4. in this context shall be subject to up to 16% of the respondents say that they want to try something new bed.

5.11% of the volunteers seemed bored with their partner.

6.31% of the people you want to say to them, such as the hardness of their hearts content.

7.10 4 said their work is now very annoying and 61% said they feel better if they had more time.

8.46% blamed poor social life.

9.1 10 respondents wanted to swim without any clothes.

According to the life of the bus, Becki Houlston, the word "but" often prevent us to use the opportunities and the rest of life. You want to make about yourself as prompted by the defendants in the main proceedings, the women's 10 issues:

1. go to the airport and get in line with the timetable in any mainly-60%.
2. Emigration-35%.
3. Indicate the contents of the mind, the person (s)-31%.
4. Put in the event of a letter without a second job is waiting for-26%.
5. Change the hair style is very dramatic-26%.
6. try something new bed-16%.
7. plastic surgery-Breast enlargement by 14%.
8. back to school-14%.
9. song of publicly-12%.
10. Dinner picnic in the Park-10%.
11. in the case of sick leave work-10%.
12. to swim without wearing clothes-10%.

Is boredom also hit in your life? HM it looks now organize new year resolution to full time. In the light of the above, in accordance with the results of the investigation, one that is a point in the list to paste the resolutions meets the days of the date on which the spontaneous thing that hurt anyone.

View the original article here

