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2011年1月31日 星期一

Lean Six Sigma benefits medical and Biotech Industry

To practice being used won't & b companies may be quite different from that of other manufacturing and service industries, but the Application of not Supporting accessoires that concept, because '' Support '' make way for reducing cost and improving quality, have universal Application, especially World mondialisation braid competitive today.

To the best knowledge, let us discuss some critical areas where that concept was Lean and methodologies can to apply pharmaceutical research companies and biotechnologie.

Drug research and development (R & D)

Research and development is the backbone of every successful company p & b, and since r & d price form a great little globale price of a company, it makes sense for deployed in spite of that concept in r &. d Use dancing in spite of that concept and method based on sound, P & b companies could be nice objectives like atteindre Identification practices that are critical to get drugs and development, evaluation Application of a new practice and simplify practices.

It is necessary to p & b companies to achieve their targets for only then will your way to increase capacity utilization, une pwodwisite, failure to fall off drugs and much more possible use of staff, facilities, and resources.

Cycle time

Cycle times could hamper une success for launching two new drugs and other products, technology and clinical applications for in braid competitive p & b industry today, route advantage etre first made the difference between success and echec. If a company p & b and cycle une times, he is not the first and also the chances are high that the competitor will come to take his place and something very similar.

That is why it is necessary to use in spite of that concept and methodologies like ' current value ', and '' begin process was not only modelisation help in cycle time, reduire but also help in reduire cost operations and improve operations increased efficiencies.


Your failure rate is probably the plus companies p & b for drug discovery and development is still a gray science, ou variations even can have a large impact on recent resultat. If the Standard tools, techniques, practices that are not used, it is difficult to come all the p & b companies to develop good drugs or other products in the clinic.

Not Support that concept as DFSS (Conception for Six Sigma) can help because they will use dance scientific statistiques outils that automatically reduce the probability of those as well as process erreurs.

For best results, P & b company should start with small projects not Supported '' that can be implemented with minimum costs and resources. They should do before you go to organization wide deployment was Supported not only when the first projects come together to deliver great results. Mieux, they should wait a little longer preference four to six months, before the final go ahead: this road can assure the Application of projects was Supported not selectionne.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for briefing MBA.-Six Sigma Aveta Solution premiere ( offers to six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black, ceintures ceintures green, and yellow ceintures.

