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2011年1月19日 星期三

Pre employment test (Psychometric Test) insights-minimize drug problems at work

How many different ways drug users themselves, their colleagues and your company at risk? What can you do to minimize those risks and protect your company and the people who work there?

Workers under the influence of drugs can cause serious injuries to themselves and to others. Other than that they are often much less work, if they bother to show up at all. If they are not to work, that usually means that your company is paying overtime to the others that are left will have the remaining work. Employee theft can also become a problem when drug users can't resist their desire to steal as a means of paying for their addiction.

Not all but many drug users are smart enough and disciplined enough to stay clean for 30 days, so they their pre employment test for drugs can pass before going back to their old ways. Some may have to wait 90 days if you are using a hair test.

My background in the field of testing pre-employment and psychometric testing showed me to search for specific attitudes and behavior properties in advance of hiring decisions learned. A good employment assessment or Psychometric test can help identify high risk applicants based on their attitudes towards substance abuse for as little as twenty bucks. If you're the presence or absence of values such as drug-free preferences and respect for the right judge can, it gives you the ability to minimize these additional risks associated with employee drug use. Mason Duchatschek is the co-author of the book sales Utopia and an expert in helping companies maximize the discretionary effort of their employees and prevent disasters hire. His knowledge of pre employment tests (psychometric testing) and employment assessment strategies has demonstrated in selling Power, the New York Times and the Entrepreneur magazine.

