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2011年4月7日 星期四

Tap water Vs bottled water-we should bottle the tap or tap on the bottle? Oy much! I need a Drink!

Is tap water cleaner than bottled water? Most people will probably say "no". After all, you get flyers from your water utility with images of snow-capped mountains and streams of water gurgling over rocks in flowing crystal clear pools, through the wires? NaH, you receive only one Bill of materials (BOM). So, let us remove the placing on the bunk and tally some comparison points.

In Cleveland, Ohio, researchers took tap water samples from four processors and compared them with five types of bottled water.

1. If the tooth decay is a concern, bottle of water fluoride test failed with only 5% falls within the recommended range. Tap water was okay. Pressure, 1 point.

Tap water is regulated by the environmental protection (EPA) and they require enough chlorine is added to water to kill all bacteria.

Bottled water, if the source is often from the tap (see label for Pepsi's Aquafina) are regulated by the food and Drug Administration (FDA) and allows bottlers some contamination of e. coli or fecal coliform. Ewww! Waste Water! Yuck! Ptooey!

2. While neither result is acceptable, the results reflect differences in the regulation. Two thirds of the bottle of water had lower bacterial counts than tap water samples, but 25 percent of the bottled water had 10 times more bacteria than tap water. Pressure, 2 points.

3. lead leaching from supply pipes or fixtures can be a great concern for tap-water users, provision should be made for bottled water is sealed and remains unchanged after processing. Bottle, 1 point.

Chlorine, the mandate of the EPA, is a poison that turns into a class of the carcinogenic chemical substances in the presence of organic materials. These carcinogenic substances have been directly linked to heart disease and cancer.

4. Risk from chlorine, together with the water foul taste and smell, is the main reason why most people prefer bottled water vs tap water. Bottled, 2 points.

EPA and FDA have uniform standards for acceptable levels of medicines . The Nohave.

Some water utilities test for a few drugs, but none is removed.

None of the bottlers test their final product for drugs (as I know), but some have filtering processes, which would remove some medicines.

After the recent events on Wall Street, I have full confidence in our Government and Wall Street will require testing for medicines in our water supply , when we all has long flowing beard, high voices and growing a few extra body parts.

5. bottle of water will have an edge here, because some bottlers use filter systems, which removes some medicines. Bottled, 3 points.

The same filters, but remove trace minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, essential to good health. If these minerals have been added back, is the water flat wine tasting and unhealthy to drink.

Unhealthy because water is slightly acidic, and when we consume an acid substance, our bodies will take calcium from our teeth and bones to produce bicarbonate to neutralize acid.

6. in the light of the above comments regarding the minerals and the fact that different studies suggest cancer can only grow in an acidic environment, it is a second point to tap water. Pressure, 3 points.

United States producing 70 million empty plastic water bottles every day using enough oil for one year in order to keep 100,000 cars on the roads. Landfills are overwhelmed with these bottles. It is estimated that 60 million over going to landfills each day.

7. Add in eco-costs for manufacturing, trucking, shelving and the placing on the market, and it is a second point to tap water. Pressure, 4 points.

Major oil companies buying oil lease from our Government, to explore for oil, drilling, pumping, transport to refineries, refine, store, transport to petrol stations, pay large taxes and provide a reliable product for less than $ 5.00 a gallon.

Bottle of water people, turn on a tap, filter water (perhaps), fill the bottle, take it to the store, pay taxes, and delivering a questionable product to a very high price.

8. the Cheapest bottle of water I found in the shop today was $ 4.82, on the basis of per gallon! Pressure, 5 points.

Okay, this small competition winner tap 5 to 3.

That said, I will deliberately drinking tap water. Why?

Go read the number 4 again, and the section above it.

I spend most of my day reading and writing about what is in our water, and what it does to us, and in my opinion, the chlorine in tap water is the primary cause of heart disease and cancer in the world today.

I filter my tap water before I use it. I want to use the bottle of water in an emergency, but it is expensive and too "iffy" to count. I bottle my own!

Filter your tap water before you use it and bottle your own water. In this way you know you have good, safe, water at a penny per glass, not five dollars or more a gallon.

David Eastham is a passionate advocate for good, safe water and home water filters researcher. Visit the his now at http://www.Good to discover which brand of drinking water filters David recommends after extensive comparison.

