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2011年4月4日 星期一

Board to consider proposed drug testing

And "education of Randolph County Council", the second reading of the policy that need to check for student athletes and drug drivers today.

This policy is considered for a second reading, and if passed it will to a public comment period until 4 April. Students will be randomly drug test company.

The first crime, the parent or guardian will be the main session setup and driving privileges will be suspended until the guardian provides student handbook were transmitted to the Office of Randolph County juvenile probation. Will have to be established, provided that the student receive counselling, drugs must pass additional test within two weeks.

If the consent of parents and students, they resume activity.

A second offence, will abolish all privileges for 90 days and that could take and then another student drug testing. A third offence, will stop student leadership or extra-curricular activities for one year.

The Council will consider the following items:

N $ 10,000 lease with crew camp for spring 2011 Randolph County schools outdoor education program.

N approve the memorandum of understanding between Randolph County Board of education, wartsbank amount $ 80,000 per year for five years from the "levy Randolph County School.

N buy new wheel balancing equipment used in the technical centre for Randolph County 8023 dollars from "Federal Perkins funding."

N approval "border" to provide high speed broadband services from primary Colton Harman, Pickens and Wade elementary.

The Council recognizes as "the high school student Alex Ritter" 2010/2011 national merit finalist and the swim team for a successful year.

The meeting will be at 6 p.m. at the District Office.

View the original article here

