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2011年4月10日 星期日

Bill would require drug tests for unemployment benefits

State lawmakers are considering legislation that would require the unemployed Texans drug tests before collecting without benefits.

Proposal for a Republican Rep. Ken Legler suburb of Houston
pick the unemployment dollars to those who have a drug test.

He said drug-users to collect benefits is stealing from
hard-working people who are not on drugs.

Texas owners testify before Senate Committee
On Thursday, said he no longer require the pre employment drug tests for the
candidates. They said that tests strengthen confidence, that the potential
employees are drug-free.

Opponents say the rules would violate the right to privacy and to raise constitutional issues.

Texas CHAPTER of the American Federation of teachers says that thousands of teachers are facing layoffs due to cuts in the budget should not be tested for drugs, to unemployment benefits.

View the original article here

