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2011年4月26日 星期二

Governor Rick Scott would require State employees to drug tests

Aaron Sharockman and Marc Caputo, Times/Obama's Tallahassee Bureau
In print: Wednesday, 23 March 2011

On the same day the law was made to live up to the promise of the Governor Rick Scott require people receiving social forward to drug tests, the Executive order signed by that State employees do it too.

Sen. Paula Dockery, R-Lakeland, offered legislation on behalf of Scott in the Committee on criminal justice, require all recipients of social assistance cash above the age of 18 pay and receive the test drug. One official estimated that it would affect about military people.

Scott order requires each future rental under his leadership, is to undergo a test for drugs, and of all current employees shall be subject to random drug screenings, affecting potentially 100 000 people. If the tests cost State $ 35, that add up to $ 3.5 million.

American Civil Liberties Union says random testing was unconstitutional in the case of 2004 against the State Department of juvenile justice.

"The State of Florida to force people to give up their constitutional rights in order to work for the State. Lack of proof of use of illegal drugs, or assigned to a sensitive from the standpoint of safety at work, people have the right to be alone, "said Howard Simon, Executive Director of the ACLU of Florida. ACLU would be a State employee, who would like to challenge policy, Mr. Simon said.

[Last modified: 22 March 2011 08: 09 PM]

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