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2011年2月6日 星期日

How to get the number of male or female Baby.

How to get the number of male or female Baby-man or woman alike. We often hear the couples who are awaiting the arrival of the baby. But sometimes it is the wish of his heart, that cannot be denied that they do not have hope, women or men born for children. We design your child was born a man or a woman? You Can Use!

The first attempt to do, of course, to pray and ask him or her directly to the life of the creator. Alternatively, of course, be legitimate aspirations and should do.

Every time the ejaculation in normal male sperm release 2-5 sprays. This duration will produce approximately 2 5 cc. cc. of normal sperm sperm contains 60 per 200 million sperm. 120 1 Billion sperm has been removed from the body, so every man ejaculates.

As we know, the sperm are two of the genes. Androsperma is also known as gen y and Gynosperma, which we call a gene X, Gen Y is the sequence of a gene. ", which allows you to contact us with the girls, pregnant, mother of gene x is the opposite. If the husband and wife are one of the dominant gene was then the most likely to x, both have a daughter. But if the father superior of the Y-and x-gene genes a mother after the opportunities children born are male. However, it is a physical inventory logic, who ever beat the power of God and the nature of miracles.

How to calculate a woman's fertility, Ovulation or peak time:

The known start date is a woman NET per month, for example, every December 05.

Known at the end of the month, for example, a woman in the NET every December 27.

Formula: ((date/month) (day of each month))/2 = n;

then n + is a woman net 2. = time, Ovulation fertile period of a woman or to the peak.

(27-05)/2 = 11; 05 + 11 = 16-16 at the beginning of the Day is the culmination of a woman's woman of the network is the fertile period or Ovulation

Spermatozoa properties:

Androsperma, are engaged in gene Y:

-Move at a slower pace.

More able to withstand the longer-(around 2-3 days of age).

-More resistant to acid atmosphere.

-Resistance "atmosphere" and "as available" basis.

-Having regard to the specific (BJ) lighter.

Gynosperma carries the gene for X

-Move more nimbly.

-Life is shorter (approximate age, only 1 day only)

-Resistance to the acid atmosphere.

-More resistant to the "atmosphere" and "as available" bases.

-Having regard to the specific gravity (BJ) is more serious.

If you do not want the children of men. If the spouse who wants a baby boy, has the tips, you can make the results of the study. Firstly, it should have intercourse before Ovulation time or, as the case may be. Ovulation is a prison, a woman's eggs in the uterus, ovaries.

The following method is, moisten with water in a graduated one-litre, depending on the size of the vagina with 2 (two), tablespoons baking soda. In addition to eating fish and meat is also very useful in this process. And the main business of the above series, the husband must be removed from the sperm as the uterus mouth close. This is expected to accelerate Gynosperma their way to fertilize the egg is made.

If you want a girl. If you are a member of the couples who wanted to have a few tips for girls, you can do. First look at intimate relationships in the schedule. To perform an intimate relationship with 2 days 3 days before Ovulation. The next step in the process of intercourse, before I wash vagina wife to one tablespoon of vinegar mixed with one litre of water.

This solution is not harmful. Vinegar acid aqueous solution is useful when you use Androsperma, which had a significant role in forming the male genes. In addition, the candidate countries should spend the sperm of the father is not the case, as stated above, but it takes quite a distance from the womb of the foot. Use this method to get the baby girl. Consume acidic foods such as yogurt, fruit, sour taste, fresh vegetables and nuts also helps in the process.

But again, don't forget the human effort. Nor is Allah, who has a plan.


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