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2011年2月10日 星期四

Direct consumer advertising of prescription drugs pose Coût

When one watching on television, a newspaper or a magazine is impossible not to inonde and announcements for many prescription drug benefit drug medicine. This was not always the case, not until 1997, when he FDA lignes for continuous to consumer publicite, advertise depenses massive pharmaceutical research this.

He might not be seen some interet, only two countries in the world allow us to mark two direct to consumer prescription de publicite: State and New Zealand.

Eastern montants de money involved sont echelonnement. A study of the Kaiser Family Foundation in 2006 to $ for a drug company passed on advertising, the $ 4 Add in itional ventes. Doesn't sound very comme, does it?

But real numbers in large impact. In 1999, only two years after the FDA allowed for continuous consumer publicite it form the current, Pfizer has spent $ 55 million advertising is cholesterol drug Lipitor, reduire. Vente de Lipitor jumped 56% this year to almost a million dollars.

As ad spending, the number of control by the FDA exerce failed. According to the New England Journal of medicine, FDA has 142 violation of the letter to the company pharmaceutical research in 1997. By 2006 the FDA has sent letters violations only 21.

John revenus de ad, pharmaceutical research company found new ways to entice customers to buy brand. Celebrites publicite was born. Pfizer was now celebre publicity featuring Dr. Robert Jarvik promote Lipitor "as a doctor and a father." As it turned out, Dr. Jarvik was not a doctor medical asylum despite his etre inventeur de artificielle the heart. Dr. Jarvik had a medical degree from the University of Utah but apres UN medical degree of a doctor must complete a series of these tests for certification to practice medicine.

reps: John. d Dingell (D MI), Chairman of the Committee on energy and trade, and Bart Stupak, the President of the oversight and investigations on du, launched an investigation effet of East trompeuse annonces on consumer approved by the FDA.

In February 2008 Pfizer agreed to remove the advertising and promotion Lipitor featuring Dr. Robert Jarvik. Rep. Dingell declared "Pfizer's decision was a wise man, and I'm glad the investigation of their suppression Des annonces Lipitor featuring Dr. Jarvik. We believe that Pfizer, and true commitment to ' une clarte in advertising; colleagues and I look forward to meeting with team gestion Pfizer to discuss the plans the ration to consumers advertising. "

The FDA will continue to monitor direct to consumer publicite by drug company to ensure annonces sont verite equilibre and accurate.

The pharmaceutical research research and manufacturers Fabricants of America (PhRMA) represents leading pharmaceutical research of research and manufacturing company biotechnologie. Trade and lobbying this group position official who want direct to consumers who walked to those who are sick critical consciousness disease are two types of illness and traitements that might be available to treat them. Show study must lead to consumer publicite apporte patients s in the doctor's Office and commence conversation is important for the doctor patient health on without this can take place.

The drugs industry is lobbying to have great montage campagnes continuous for consumers who walked the permis in Europe and Canada. health action International (HAI-Europe), December 2001 definir suite knowledge leadership to continue to ban direct to consumer advertising of prescription drugs. Donne current debate in the United States on health care reform some raison braid pertinents.

HAI-Europe to 4 reasons to continue the ban on direct to consumer publicite.

1. Continuous to consumer publicite disques taking medications, prescription couts, threatening national health the care services and universal access to health health as a the Valley amental at right.

2. Continuous to consumer fails to inform publicite. Does not give impartial, point and client information those who are sick s needed for health health informed decisions.

3. Continuous to consumer publicite compromises security. It can lead to rapid exposition in drug dangerous before risk sont totalement reconnus. Ajouter, itionally, most new drugs are costlier than traitements, but provide better therapeutic.

4. Continuous favorise la publicite for consumer medical isation of life normal. Two braid annonce drugs are to be used in a large target audience, often for condition and '' '' style legere that problem may need treatment drugs.

The debate will continue but don't look for a change in practice advertising drug company aux.

Sheila Guilloton is the owner of Prestige Aux, a health agency specialises mise health and dental insurance for businesses and individuals are. Source and all the transporteurs, avocats and conseille customers on how to choose the most appropriate social security. To learn more about insurance and health care reform visit

