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2011年2月11日 星期五

Do not mix energy drinks and alcohol

Do not Mix Energy Drinks and Alcoholdoes not mix energy drinks and alcohol-you're a fan of energy drinks? Do not mix with a high caffeine energy drinks, alcohol, because two of the mixture is dangerous and makes people more drunk.

Research is performed at an impact speed of 800 students who just left the bar at 22: 00 and 03: 00, the researchers asked whether they consume alcohol and energy drinks. The defendants were also measured the concentration of alcohol smell.

Approximately 6.5% of the respondents, who admitted drinking alcohol mix energy drinks are three times more drunk than those who drank alcoholic beverages only.

Mixing energy drinks and alcohol with young children do in America. Thus they do not because the caffeine can reduce alcohol caused the drowsiness. This condition is often termed "drunk, but conscious."

Bruce Goldberger, Director of Toxicology Florida College of Medicine, the University said, many people there was an error in such a way as to eliminate the effects of stimulant caffeine, alcohol, depressant effect. "That is a wrong perception. The result is dangerous because it makes people more drunk, "he said.

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