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2011年2月10日 星期四

10 TIPS for a HEALTHY without DRUGS

10 tips to HEALTHY without DRUGS-Multicomplex life today, so knocked down the "disease" strange can be difficult to resolve, either itself or immune to the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs. How tricks to keep us healthy, often without the treatment.

Is not a secret that our bodies are at the Helsinki University of technology systems that can help protect the body from diseases. This is where the system works! Sometimes I would crash. If it was so, so what to do! We are forced to seek treatment. However, it also does not hurt, trying to prevent the disease and live without drugs, depending on the different tricks. Everywhere, that you can use it: before it happens, it is necessary to prevent, that was already in its battle to prevent.

Here are 10 tips that can help you:

1. know yourself, whether it be physical or psychological

This is a bit philosophical, indeed, but in fact it is the key to this all just lies. Learn how to remember ourselves, we can not know the physical vulnerability in our body and then decide what is good and "the body and what is not. A person who is unwittingly eat foods that are in the salty delicacy unnecessarily, for example, once on top of her body felt the amendment quickly, felt dizzy, her balance is reduced and often different symptoms does not seems to know very well.

The doctor, the examination of the body, known as his body began to develop a new "disease," high blood pressure. If it ever since he tried to reduce the risk of salty foods and earnestly fatty food at the same time, when you do moderate exercise on a regular basis, then the "disease" is not easy to recurrence, and he often need the doctor trips again.

2. Does the feeling of pain in a hurry

Just because you sneeze, Cough or mild fever, people decided to take the medicine. Although often left three days after disease symptoms go away. The body is the ability to heal itself. Only a few remaining symptoms had gone with the pain itself. Dizziness symptoms can sometimes disappear simply by inhalation of fresh air in the Park, which have become contaminated exhaust air.

3. Eat the rich

You make a change to a meal, start with the assumption that certain foods are more useful than ordinary foods on a daily basis. If we do use will not interfere with the daily food, and then click to select the type of materials, which are complementary to two groups.

4. Adjust the level of consumption in the age of

The amount of nutrients the body needs by age, type of activity and body condition depends on (in case of illness or health). Children and young people, who are aggressive grow jealous, food (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water) in the five elements, it is necessary, so it need not be restricted. On the other hand, adults and the elderly, the restriction is absolutely necessary. Carbohydrate and fat as energy producers should be deducted from the amount of physical activity, because they have declined.

Reduces the amount of carbohydrates and fat to reduce part and fried rice. Contrast, the addition of vitamins and minerals and should be eaten only with water. These substances are very necessary to facilitate the body metabolism and enhance sustainability. Keep in mind that the best use of natural vitamins, such as fresh fruit and vegetables contained.

5. Exercise regularly according to their ability to

6. always keep the cleaning

Clean environment at home, at the bottom of the page, and residential complexes provide fresh and comfortable atmosphere.

7. taking time to relax

Communicating Contact break doesn't mean much more than working productively until beyond the propriety. Does! Taking a little time to break up the lumps and this time it is necessary to set the hour to work briefly rush kendo everyday tensions between them. This is done on a routine basis.

8. back to the nature of the

The Western world at the beginning of the 1990s development based on the experience gained in modern times to change their eating habits to encourage people, such as more frequent eating canned food that lifestyle, bottled chili sauce or canned fruit. Return to a fixed connection with nature, we instead have become a martial arts warriors, but avoid canned food, at least, and even tell us to eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

9. Respiratory treat.

Treat the respiratory ways and means to regulate is more efficient because of the frequency of respiration. Air (oxygen), slowly, slowly releasing the inhalation of 15 things to it, we also have 15 weight of oxygen the body longer than usual. Oxygen is used in the body of the institutions of the powerful, albeit only slightly.

10. the Fond of reading health

"Do not know love, love, was not, then no love" phrase is a very fitting satirize people who want healthy body, but do not bother reading about health approach.

View the original article here

