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2011年2月5日 星期六

Experimental obesity drug could treat diabetes

Recently, a team to seek international-based in Texas with Japan, and was ont experimenter size treatment surnomme "Fatostatin," which showed that not only did mouse to lose weight but also show great promise in the treatment diabetes, with the same reduction of cholesterol.? These scientists have identified a small Molecule cancer programs that change was involved in the way but the body looks like food fat code genetique.? Because what was eprouvee for effective in dramatic small/the mouth, and cholesterol level reduire, consider treatment ineffective in the struggle to treat diabetes.

Drug Fatostatin that work to block body poids, the culmination of fat and blood glucose, and food, intake of increase.? It is important to note that only test scores were far only take place with sans sujets animal, but scientists sont very optimistic.? They believe that the new, experimental drug could have a large impact, not only lose weight, but in the level of cholesterol, controle glucose levels and insulin levels in the body, which could be used to treat diabetes.? Scientists think back to the origin of fat synthesis, which scientists believe they actually find a way for the body to stop gaining poids.? But is it possible?

Fatostatin new drugs that work with elements that influence Liaison proteines a group of genes that triggered during consumption.? His work essentially, switching completely negative reaction of the body, not turn food directly in energy, waste, and stockees.? After a month of treatment, the mouse was used in this study saw a 12% reduction in the level of fat, but also a echelonnement deroulant 70% level low blood sugar.? As promising as it may seem size, drugs, and success on the test animal Avant patients s, have little success in it.? But, according to some classement high pharmaceutical research consultant, drugs that could in the future for not only size against, but well size to complications like cholesterol, heart disease, and diabetes.

According to some of the bio-tech industry, as well as important pharmaceutical research consultant, more tests need really know whether new drugs Fatostatin miracle of the next, or, if it is just a flash in the pan.? But, as new technology surface in all the time to plant Bio-technology, moleculaire advance as this would be the courante.? For the time being, scientists very stimulating on Fatostatin and sought to test it out des.

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Pharmaceutical research

