Amphetamine is also known as speed, drugs that affect the central nervous system. Officially be applied to the treatment of certain diseases such as narcolepsy (sleep disorder) or attention disorders.
On the one hand, it affects the energizer extreme speed record full of beans and makes you, it is not aware of the need. Under the influence of amphetamine feel yourself htara and energetic. On the other hand, of course, some side effects of drugs take place. The next day you can feel jittery screen, depressed, tired out.
What are the main reasons, bring people about taking speed? Mainly they are attracted by the possibility to stay awake for a long time. Purpose and these are typically used mixed with food or drink. Others use speed for weightloss, cause one of the side effects of drug is lack of appetite.
Amphetamine effect also depends on the way to take it. The way most commonly is breathing powder through the nose. As noted above, also be has been dissolved in water or take with food. Injection is considered to be the fastest way to reach happiness is essential.
Slang names for amphetamine: snow, Goey, fast, Uppers, improve, Dragon's blood, white, Oxblood.
Amphetamine, blood Dragon, side effects of medications, effects of amphetamines, goey, injection, narcolepsy, oxblood, snow, speed, uppers, weightloss, whiz