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2011年5月28日 星期六

10 Things To Know About Workers' Compensation and Workplace Drug Testing

Employees must be aware of the ins and outs of the company or the company they are planning working with. This includes their privilege to workers' compensation insurance and the right of the company to conduct a workplace drug testing.

Workers' compensation covers the employee's losses caused by injuries at work. Depending on the company, a drug test is done for job candidates and/or current employees. Understanding about workers' compensation and workplace drug testing helps you reduce fears at work and prepare you for any disciplinary actions that the company may impose if you fail in the test.

Here are ten things you must know about workers' compensation and workplace drug testing.

1. Workers' compensation is a law required of companies in all fifty states. That stated, it is the state government that determines the workers' compensation and not the IRS. In some states, the government institutes a workers' compensation program while in other states; the government relies on private insurance companies. To learn what covers the worker's comp and the rules applied by your state, it is advised that you talk to your state insurance commissioner or the company's insurance agent.

2. The workers' compensation does not only protect the employees but the employers as well. Workers' compensation insurance safeguards companies against lawsuits. "Without the right coverage, an injured worker might sue your business to recover medical costs, disability costs and damages."

3. Worker's compensation premiums vary depending on the nature and scope of business and the type of job you (as a worker) does plus your number of work hours. Coverage of the policy does have limitations as to the expenses. In addition, policy coverage varies in different states.

4. Not all employees are covered by the workers' compensation policy. Part-time employees and contractors are usually exempted of the policy.

5. Injury and illness attributed to your job are covered by the policy so it is important that you report your issue to your office as soon as possible. Injuries caused by accidents said to be "our fault" (by the company) is still covered by the policy. For example, you are at work and you trip over a chair or you slip on a banana peel.

6. Drug test is done to ensure that employees are in their right frame of mind and is capable of performing their job. Workplace drug testing applies to both job applicants and current employees who have not undergone the test yet. Tests can be done in the office or in the confines of approved labs. However, a number of states require all drug testing to be done in labs.

7. Employers may refuse to hire job applicants found to be positive of drug use. Employers may fire employees who failed in the test.

8. Or instead of firing the employee, the employer may reassign him and give him non-safety-sensitive duties. At the same, the employer may send him to a counseling program. Until completed, the employee can perform his usual duties.

9. Notwithstanding failure in drug test and the legal actions taken by the employer, the employee can still challenge it in court and win.

10. When you are to obtain workers' compensation insurance due to accident-for example, you were high while driving your way to the office-your employer may ask you to undergo a drug test before granted the workers' comp and if found positive, you will be denied of the privilege.

This Article is written by Lena Butler, from TestCountry the contributor of Health & Drug Testing Information Center. More information on the subject is at, and resources from other home health and wellness testing articles are used such as Workplace Drug Testing.

1 則留言:

  1. Drug tests are usually done to ensure that employees are capable of performing their jobs. This workplace faa drug testing applies to both job applicants and current employees.
