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2011年5月26日 星期四

At Home Lab Testing

Today, more and more individuals are taking a huge interest in their health and wish to learn more about what may be causing their ailments without visiting a doctor for him or her to second-guess the condition. Many times, visiting a physician will only give you a prescription for the symptoms instead of looking for the root of the problem. Today, you can now find home lab tests that will allow you to take tests to learn more about what might be causing your symptoms. In most cases, the test will only require a saliva sample, urine sample, or in some cases a blood test that is only a pin prick.

The home lab tests you can now find online include Adrenal Fatigue Testing, Adrenal Stress Index, Amino Acid Test, Autism Testing, Blood Spot Tests, Blood Test, Blood Typing Reactive Protein, Candida Test, Cardiovascular Tests, Environmental Pollutants, Food Allergy Test, Gastrointestinal Tests, Genomic Testing, Hair Analysis, Heavy Metals Test, Hormone Tests, Metabolic Test, Multiple Sclerosis Neuroimmunology Panel, Neurotransmitters, Nutritional Tests, Organic Acids Test, Thyroid Testing, and Vitamin Analysis Description.

All of the tests are from reputable companies such as Metametrix, Neuroscience, Genova, Diagnostechs, LabCorp, ZRT, and Doctors Data to name a few and you will not need any type of order from your physician to order the tests.

The reason so many people are turning to home lab testing is that they are tired of visiting their doctor to only be given a prescription for a drug that will cause the pain to go away temporary, allow them to feel better with antidepressants, or other such medications that really only mask the symptoms. Our bodies provide us with symptoms so we know that something is wrong, using medications to mask these symptoms can be detrimental to our overall health and well-being. Finding the root of the problem and treating the condition or ailment is the only way to ensure a healthy lifestyle.

Many of these ailments and conditions can be treated with all natural products without the side effects often seen with prescribed medications. Therefore, using home lab test to learn what is causing your symptoms may aid in preventing you from taking all kinds of drugs you may not need at all. Instead of covering up your symptoms, which is nothing more than pacifying you, you will have lab results that you can show your physician so you can then be headed in the right direction for an accurate diagnosis.

Now, you have the control in your hands when it comes to certain lab tests, which will ultimately be an aid in your diagnosis and the correct treatment.

Valerie Balandra is a nurse practitioner that believes in utilizing holistic approach to health and nutrition. For more information, visit lab tests online, natural treatments for depression, at

