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2011年5月19日 星期四

Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations Infiltrate the US

Every year U.S. taxpayers pay billions of dollars in tax money that goes to funding state funded rehabilitation programs. Drug and alcohol addiction is one of the biggest problems that U.S. residents have to face, if only because of the monetary toll it takes on the community, not mention the families and friends who have lost a loved one because of their inability to overcome their addiction. What is the cause for this countrywide epidemic? Who is orchestrating the marketing of these drugs to our children? The answers (at least partially) can be found south of the border, Mexico.

While Mexico is known for its beaches and beautiful vacation getaways, it is also known for the constant war between the government and the Mexican drug cartels. Every day there are handfuls of people murdered at the hands of these drug gangs, and, unfortunately there is no end in sight. In fact, these drug cartels are slowly but surely taking over control of the country.

Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations have set up a billion dollar a year drug trade in the US. Mexican drug lords view America as a country full of potential and life long drug addicts. When several states in the US put restrictions on the amount of pseudoephedrine (a vital ingredient to making methamphetamine), Mexican DTOs set up meth "super labs". A "super lab" is a large methamphetamine lab that produces enough crystal meth to supply entire states with the drug. In fact, these "super labs" completely eliminate the need for small, mom and pop labs. Essentially, these drug cartels have a monopoly on the methamphetamine use in the US.

Currently these organizations provide methamphetamine to the vast majority of the states across the US. California has admitted to having a huge heroin addiction problem - all the heroin found in the state of California comes from Mexico. These are just two examples of the amount of influence Mexican DTOs have over our country.

The only real way to prevent this from happening, and to prevent those large amounts of money needed for state funded rehabilitation program is to focus on rehabilitation and education. If you or anyone you know is in need of help for a drug or alcohol abuse problem please contact an effective drug rehab program immediately.

