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2011年5月20日 星期五

Fight Against Fake Drugs in Nigeria

Before 2001, Nigeria had been bedeviled with the upsurge of fake drugs and other unwholesome health-related products. The corrupt government of the previous military leadership did little in checkmating the activities of drug barons and peddlers. This uncaring attitude brought about deaths of many citizens who consumed fake drugs. Nobody cared about this upsurge and every left it to God.

The government of Olusegun Obasanjo in 2001 appointed Prof.Dora Akunyili as the DG of National Agency for Food and Drug Admin and Control (NAFDAC). Since she assumed as DG she brought the near moribund organization to a reputable one. She enumerated all she needed to start her job to cleanse the drug market in Nigeria, and the President met her needs. During her tenure she prevented fake drug peddlers from bringing in fake drugs into the country. She penalized importers, jailed and even cautioned them to prevent the menace to escalate. She didn't allow drugs to enter land borders, but through airports and sea port.

Before 2001, very few people knew about NAFDAC, but the woman made the near-moribund organization to a world class organization. The workers in the agency went for trainings both locally and internationally, making them get current knowledge. The laboratories got state-of-the art equipments to help in analysis and in research and development.

From 2001 till date, NAFDAC has been in the forefront of safeguarding the health of the nation by extensive regulatory bodies. Their activities are streamlined to that of Food and Drug Agency in U.S. Their labs are certified by W.H.O and other international bodies. Worldwide NAFDAC has gained international recognition. The mere mention of NAFDAC brings panic to importers locally and abroad.

The fight against fake drugs, though it's about 70% won, still needs more efforts. The present DG-Dr Paul Orhi has assumed the fight with giant strides. Firstly he has upgraded the various laboratories. Secondly he improved the working conditions of the staff. He has advocated for mobile labs for analysis. He also announced awards in cash awards to people who give out information on people who engage in unwholesome practices in food and drug.

Chimere Iroha is a researcher on on work and study opportunities abroad with over fifteen years experience.For more information contact

