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2011年1月31日 星期一

Lean Six Sigma benefits medical and Biotech Industry

To practice being used won't & b companies may be quite different from that of other manufacturing and service industries, but the Application of not Supporting accessoires that concept, because '' Support '' make way for reducing cost and improving quality, have universal Application, especially World mondialisation braid competitive today.

To the best knowledge, let us discuss some critical areas where that concept was Lean and methodologies can to apply pharmaceutical research companies and biotechnologie.

Drug research and development (R & D)

Research and development is the backbone of every successful company p & b, and since r & d price form a great little globale price of a company, it makes sense for deployed in spite of that concept in r &. d Use dancing in spite of that concept and method based on sound, P & b companies could be nice objectives like atteindre Identification practices that are critical to get drugs and development, evaluation Application of a new practice and simplify practices.

It is necessary to p & b companies to achieve their targets for only then will your way to increase capacity utilization, une pwodwisite, failure to fall off drugs and much more possible use of staff, facilities, and resources.

Cycle time

Cycle times could hamper une success for launching two new drugs and other products, technology and clinical applications for in braid competitive p & b industry today, route advantage etre first made the difference between success and echec. If a company p & b and cycle une times, he is not the first and also the chances are high that the competitor will come to take his place and something very similar.

That is why it is necessary to use in spite of that concept and methodologies like ' current value ', and '' begin process was not only modelisation help in cycle time, reduire but also help in reduire cost operations and improve operations increased efficiencies.


Your failure rate is probably the plus companies p & b for drug discovery and development is still a gray science, ou variations even can have a large impact on recent resultat. If the Standard tools, techniques, practices that are not used, it is difficult to come all the p & b companies to develop good drugs or other products in the clinic.

Not Support that concept as DFSS (Conception for Six Sigma) can help because they will use dance scientific statistiques outils that automatically reduce the probability of those as well as process erreurs.

For best results, P & b company should start with small projects not Supported '' that can be implemented with minimum costs and resources. They should do before you go to organization wide deployment was Supported not only when the first projects come together to deliver great results. Mieux, they should wait a little longer preference four to six months, before the final go ahead: this road can assure the Application of projects was Supported not selectionne.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for briefing MBA.-Six Sigma Aveta Solution premiere ( offers to six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black, ceintures ceintures green, and yellow ceintures.

Spirituel nature of pharmaceutical research drugs

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"Just say no to drugs." How many times have people heard this advice, yet still think nothing of going to the local pharmacy to pick up their drug prescriptions?

Drugs have become so mainstream; North America is awash in a sea of drugs, both legal and illegal. Prescription drugs have become so prevalent; traces of them are now showing up in the food chain and in our drinking water.1

What perhaps is most astounding is the number of people who die every year from adverse reactions to prescription drugs. The tally is so high, USA Today listed adverse drug reactions as the 4th leading cause of mortality on their list of Top Ten Killers in the USA.2

With such a record, the pharmaceutical industry (and the medical profession which prescribes drugs) would be considered criminal by any other civilized standard. However, prescription drugs are not only legal, they are encouraged by both modern medicine, and the Christian Church in the U.S.A. That is interesting because the Bible, the standard by which Christians live their lives, condemns the everyday use of any kind of drugs, potions, or spells, as well as poisoning or witchcraft. It's called pharmakeia in the original text and can be found in Galatians 5:19-21.

When confronted with the teaching that God condemns pharmakeia, most Christians believe the Apostle Paul had to be referring to illegal drugs (like marijuana and heroin), when he wrote his letter to the Church at Galatia, surely not prescription drugs. They are at least right about the first part.

Narcotics and hallucinogenic drugs were not uncommon in 1st century AD. For instance, the Oracles of Delphi apparently used Datura, a kind of Jimson plant that contained powerful alkaloids, during their quests for visions. So Christians have no trouble in defining pharmakeia within the parameter of mind altering or hallucinogenic drugs. It's with the legal drugs that many Christians fail to see a dangerous and sinister spiritual connection.

In fact: If Christians were as much concerned about taking prescription drugs as they are about their children getting involved with illegal drugs, there would be far fewer deaths. That's because deaths from adverse prescription drug reactions are many times greater then deaths caused by illegal drugs.

As a matter of fact, deaths caused by illegal drugs did not muster up the numbers even to make the top ten killers list from USA Today. Yet many Christians fret over the latter (as though they are a scourge, and they are), while overlooking the physical and spiritual danger of the former. Many Christians think legal drugs are different because they are part of our medical system. Simply said, they trust anyone wearing white robs to prescribe and dispense drugs. They do so without understanding that everything about the pharmaceutical industry violates the spiritual foundational truth and teaching of God.

There are many reasons why God condemns pharmakeia. Perhaps the primary reason is that God calls Himself Jehovah-rapha, God our Healer (Exodus 15:26). He wants us to look to Him for healing (to make us whole), because only He and what He has provided to us for healing can heal. King David acknowledged this foundational truth when he wrote:

Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits-- who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion (Psalm 103:2-4)

When Christians place dependency on drugs, they unknowingly deny God the glory and the ability to heal them. I know this is a hard word of knowledge for many to accept, because many Christians depend on drugs. But they do so only because they do not see God in their heart and mind as their Healer. They think the age of divine healing is over, so their faith for healing is now bound to a lie (a work of the flesh) called pharmakeia. God is a jealous God. So when we place our dependency in anything other than in God, we are in effect, turning our backs to Him. We are saying, "God is not sufficient for me. He cannot or will not heal me."

That's not to say we shouldn't seek medical help from a physician. The problem, however, is most physicians are secular and know only pharmakeia, surgery and radiation. They do not know Yehovah-rapha or the healing provision He placed in the plant kingdom for our health and well-being. But in most cases it's not the physician's fault. Physicians only know to treat patients according to the modality they were taught.

God's Word tells us, "Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits" (I John 4:1). And again, "Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil" (I Thessalonians 5:21-22).

If drugs actually worked and healed people, without killing or hospitalizing many of those who take them, you wouldn't be reading this article. But drugs do not heal. They at best only suppress symptoms. At their worst they hospitalize over two million people and kill hundreds of thousands more every year.3 Does this sound like a good spirit (good medicine) to you?

We all should understand there is both good and bad medicine. The difference between the two is that good medicine only heals and never harms. Bad medicine never heals and kills. Drugs that kill in the name of healing are not from God. They belong to Satan.

God cannot embrace any medicine that kills or maims in the name of healing. Such a modality stands opposed to everything God stands for. God receives no glory in death. God receives glory in healing the sick! The pharmaceutical industry has no interest in healing the sick. Its only interest is in selling more drugs, and getting as many people as it can started on drugs and keeping them there for the rest of their lives.4

That last sentence, "keeping them there for the rest of their lives," plays a big role over what God is concerned with. When you read Galatians 5:21, you will see the following text: "Those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God." The word "live" refers to everyday use, to be dependent upon, to make routine. In other words: To live by.

This brings us to the role drugs play in hospital emergency rooms and ICU's. Drugs used here are used primarily on a temporary basis to stabilize patients for medical procedures and control of pain. Without question, when used in this manner, drugs have saved many lives. This is good! People whose lives are saved in this manner do not normally stay on those drugs that saved them. It's the people who "live" and stay on drugs to "manage" their lives that creates the spiritual dynamic opposed to God.

Today one can be prescribed drugs for almost any physical, lifestyle or emotional complaint: Male impotency, baldness, lack of sleep, arthritis, depression, pre and post menopause, acid reflux, anxiety, osteoporosis, acne, A.D.D., constipation and diabetes to name a few.

Drugs for these and many others of life's complaints confuse us by counterfeiting the will of God in our lives. By creating alternative realities, the spirit behind these drugs can move us away from God's will into an illusion, a false reality of truth. God's Word lists pharmakeia as a work of the flesh, because those who turn to drugs (and those who encourage their use) place dependency on a false reality (an illusion) instead of in God our Healer. It is an insidious scheme, one that has kept millions from knowing the power of healing afforded to them by God.

Healing of disease is one of God's blessings to mankind. He never intended one should have to spend half their income on a man-made drug to live. He never intended that medicine should come at the price of "acceptable risk." That's why God created provisions for our well-being and placed those provisions in the plant kingdom for the generations of mankind to come (Genesis 1:29).

It is only the greed in man that creates a man-made substitute from those provisions and then foists them on an ignorant people as the latest miracle drug. The truth is all man-made drugs are far inferior to the real thing. They are but one reason why God calls us to be sober and avoid attacks from Satan (I Peter 5:8).

But God didn't place every provision for healing in the plant kingdom. For He knew there would also be illnesses and disease visited on man through man's sins of the heart. These sins include fear, worry, jealously, hatred, guilt and the like. The spiritual root cause causing these certain diseases require a cleansing of the heart only God can reach for healing to become reality.

As long as mankind looks to itself for answers to life's problems, there will always be confusion, human suffering and unnecessary deaths. God alone holds the answer to life's issues, including the well being of our bodies and heart. He is our creator. He knows you and I as individuals like no one else can. He is our all in all, Our God, Our Savior, Our Provider, Our Healer. He alone is Yehovah-rapha.


A nationwide U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) report of water samples tested in 30 states for 95 different prescription and OTC drugs found two or more drugs in 75% of the water tested. 54% of the samples had 5 or more drugs. 34% of samples had 10 or more drugs. The survey found painkillers, tranquilizers antidepressants, antibiotics, birth control pills and chemotherapy agents to name a few in our drinking water.
Top Ten Killers In The USA; USA Today, April 24, 1998
Journal of American Medicine, April 1998
"The pharmaceutical industry offers "health" to millions of patients - but does not deliver the goods. Instead it delivers products that merely alleviate symptoms while promoting the underlying disease as a precondition for its future business. To cover the fraud, this industry spends twice the amount of money in covering it up than it spends on research on future therapies." Dr. Rath Lays Charge of Genocide on Pharmavia ICC at The Hague

About the Author: Jim Lynn is Director of God's Healing Word, a ministry dedicated to putting God back into healing, and healing back into the Body of Christ, His Church. Jim is also the author of The Miracle of Healing In Your Church Today. For more information, visit

Alcohawk Precision Digital Alcohol Breath Tester

Alcohawk Precision Digital Alcohol Breath TesterPrecision Digital Breath Alcohol Tester

Price: $69.99

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2011年1月30日 星期日

Should you buy pharmaceutical grade fish oil class?

If you were attracted by pharmaceutical research term grade fish oil, you will be surprised to find out what is actually just a marketing campaign. This is because the mandate was to think of a man or a fabricant who made it for products purchased on another product available. In industry, there is no single organizations, controle agrees, tests, validate you out certifications for many fish oil companies that had fabriques. So this is not true pharmaceutical grade for grade term.

If you have a product ont achete-pharmaceutical grade fish oil, then only an implicite sens, see products and more free of toxines. Companies that make use of the purification process known as distillation moleculaire admit this complex process not remove all the toxines and metals are from fish. So, there is a small amount of toxines in fish, but in a fairly innocuous.

They are also a few other companies that claim they pharmaceutical research there was oil fish class since it contains a enteric coating on pills mouth, Malheureusement, but there are several drugs that could have a reduced effectiveness of une acide environment sales come with them. And addiction, there are some composants scenario of what would go away.

It would be better to conduct a thorough research on different types of products can be bought in the market before deciding which one to do. To do this, you can use a number of review which can be found all over the Internet. To get more pharmaceutical research on oil fish class visit.

Here you may download a copy of take me five-part report on pharmaceutical grade fish oil to all families. I will also tell you what make I personally choose, with some great which you need. Stop by for more information, today!

How the 17-day diet Works

17-day diet-17 days of diet, featured Dr. Phil and the doctors TV show is here only for the holidays and new years resolution show 2011 in time.

17 days of the date on which the operation of the diet

Dr. Moreno's own diet plan works mixed with metabolism. It does this change the performance of the four cycles of carbohydrates, proteins and fats to eat every few days over the amounts. Each section has a different goal. The four test cycles are:

1. speed up – in this section to promote fat burning, cleaning and fast weight loss without the fat.
2. the provisions of this section to activate – returns the user's metabolism.
3. the provisions of this section teaches you how to achieve – good eating habits, and explains how to eat carbs in the right way.
4. Incoming – this section combines three of the first cycle.

Even though it contributes to the reduction of weight quickly, first it is based on the lean proteins, vegetables, fruits and whole grains, eventually.
Achieved: "good" carbohydrates are the body
Arrive: Lifestyle eating plan that combines for the first 3 rounds
For 2 servings per day: choice of Probiotic either 6 oz sugar 1 Cup yogurt, kephir Breakstone LiveActive cottage cheese Cup, 1/2 or 1 Cup low-fat milk, Acidophilus. Other dairy products, except for the fat free cheese, fat-free sour cream, and spices, and control. Vegetables are limited to "Cleaning vegetables": Artichoke Hearts and artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, peppers, Bell (all colors), carrots cauliflower Celery, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, green beans, kale, leeks, lettuce (all varieties), mushrooms, Okra, onions, Scallions, parsley, spinach, tomatoes, Watercress.

Readmore here:

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Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications (7th Edition)

Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications (7th Edition)

Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications is designed to provide readers with the necessary information regarding laboratory and diagnostic tests and corresponding nursing implications. It gives quick, pertinent information about the tests, emphasizing the purposes, procedure and nursing implications with rationale. Laboratory Tests in alphabetical order. Diagnostic Tests in alphabetical order. Laboratory/Diagnostic Assessments of Body Function including 12 categories related to organ system and clinical conditions; each category contains numerous laboratory and diagnostic tests ordered to assist in the diagnosis of disease entities and to determine organ function. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM); the TDM section includes 120 drugs and their therapeutic range, peak time, and toxic level. School Nurse’s Functions: Screening and Testing covers suggested assessment tools for the school nurse. Nursing Students and Professionals. For registered nurses, and licensed practical nurses in hospital settings, including specialty areas such as the ICU, emergency rooms, clinics, health care provider offices, and independent nursing practices.

Price: $48.95

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2011年1月29日 星期六

Hair Confirm Hair Follicle Multi-Drug Test Kit, 1 kit

This test kit detects the major drugs of abuse identified by the federal government: marijuana, cocaine, opiates (such as heroin), cocaine (and crack), amphetamine, methamphetamine (including MDMA - Ecstasy) and Benzodiazepines (such as Xanax). The test uses the same immunoassay technology used by labs, but provides instant results.


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Stratégies being used for extension of patent term Exclusivité who go on to produce pharmaceutical research

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In the pharmaceutical industry, a lot of research, time, manpower and money goes into R&D for the development of novel drugs and bringing them into market. If the innovations are not protected with a proper fence of integrated technologies then generic companies would exploit the invention without giving much benefit to the innovator company. Hence, it is mandatory for the innovator company to apply for patent protection at least in those geographical areas where the innovator company wishes to market their product, retain monopoly and refrain their competitors entering into the market till the patent term for the innovation expires. This article discusses various strategies employed by the innovator companies in US to extend the life of the patent and gaining market exclusivity for the pharmaceutical product.

It is estimated that around 7 to 12 years of extensive research is involved to bring the innovation into a shape, which can be marketed. Apart from product development there are hassles regarding approval of the pharmaceutical product by respective drug authorities. Considering the patent term or the protection offered by the patent to be 20 years from the filing date of the patent, effectively a period of 8 to 10 years would be available with the innovator company to get benefits of their developed product. Innovator companies execute various strategies to extend the life of the patent as well as the product.

On grant of patent for the invented drug and regular payment of maintenance fees gives the patent holder monopoly over the drug and rights to exclude other from manufacturing, using and selling the patented invention for a stipulated time. On expiration of the patent, generic competitors would exploit the market, which would lead to reduction of market share and revenue loss for the innovator company. Hence, additional patents are filed in order to fence the invented drug or product. These additional patents for the extension of invention / product protection could comprise of method of preparation, new formulation, method of preparation of formulation, drug derivatives and its metabolites, polymorphs, stereo-selective enantiomers etc. Additional patents filed could also cover improvements to the invention or new uses, which are not mentioned in the initial granted patent.

We will discuss in brief various strategies employed by the innovator companies in US to extend the life of the patent and reap maximum fruits for an extended period of time.

The Hatch-Waxman Act provides a system wherein the New Drug Applicant (NDA) holder could apply to have extension of its patent. The extension was meant to compensate the applicant for a portion of any time lost after the issuance of a patent during which the testing and approval phases of the FDA's regulatory review process commenced.

Following are the paths by which patent term can be extended:

1) Patent term adjustments - delay during patent prosecution

The patent term adjustment is provided in case of United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) fails to act to patent application from patent filing or fail to reply to applicant's appeal in a stipulated time.

The purpose of the patent term adjustment provision was to guarantee that patent applicants would still have a patent term of at least seventeen years from grant under the twenty-year patent term system.

2) Patent extensions - delays due to regulatory approval

USPTO can restore the term of a patent that is lost due to delays during regulatory approval by Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Patents relating to drug products, medical devices, food additives, and color additives are eligible for patent extension. The maximum of patent term that may be restored is five years.

3) Interim term extensions

If the term of the patent expires before the certificate of extension is given to the application, then the Director extends the term of the patent up to one year under Interim term extension. This extension is only possible if the director feels that the patent should be considered for extension.

Apart from patent term extensions, market exclusivities can be gained separately. Exclusivity gives FDA approved drugs market exclusivity which does not allow the generic competitors to enter into the market till the exclusivity is valid.

Following are the market exclusivities offered by FDA:

1) New Chemical Entity (NCE) exclusivity

NCE exclusivity is awarded for 5 years to NDA applicant who receives the first approval for a drug product. No salt or ester of the novel chemical entity should have ever received FDA approval. During this 5-year period, the FDA is stopped from accepting an Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) for review. The only exception is that if a patent is also listed on the NDA product subject to NCE exclusivity, the FDA may accept an ANDA after 4 of the 5-year period has expired, if the ANDA contains a Paragraph IV certification challenging the patent. NCE exclusivity can be considered as a total exclusivity as generic competitors cannot submit or approve their product while the exclusivity is valid.

2) New Use / New Clinical Studies exclusivity

This kind of exclusivity is granted for a period of three years to NDA holder who applies for new use of approved drug. New clinical studies are to be carried out to get approval from FDA for use of the approved drug for its use for new indication. Exclusivity can be granted for new dosage form (Sustained release dosage form, Controlled release dosage form), a new use or indication, a new salt or ester of a drug product, change in concentration, novel drug delivery etc. The 3-year exclusivity may block FDA approval of a generic version until after the exclusivity expires. It is also possible that the FDA approves generic version if approval does not infringe on the protected change.

3) Orphan Drug exclusivity

Seven-year orphan drug exclusivity is granted to promote research and marketing for the development of drugs to treat rare diseases. US FDA had defined Orphan drug / rare diseases as those diseases affecting 200,000 or fewer patients in the US. This exclusivity period can block the FDA from approving competing generics of a drug product for the orphan use. Applicant may request orphan drug designation for a previously unapproved drug or for an already marketed drug. One or more applicants may receive orphan drug status for the same drug for the same orphan disease.

4) Pediatric exclusivity

Pediatric exclusivity gives an incremental 6 months exclusivity to an existing marketing exclusivity that has been earlier granted or to a patent protection. This type of exclusivity is granted to clinical studies of drugs for pediatric population. This type of exclusivity ensures an incentive for an NDA applicant for the clinical studies carried out specifically for pediatric patients. Products with no patent life or exclusivity remaining cannot qualify for pediatric exclusivity.

Hence, it is seen that various methods are adopted by the innovator companies to extend the term of their patent to extend their monopoly in the filed of pharmaceuticals.

Patent term adjustment under 35 U.S.C. s. 154 - Simplification of Patent Term Adjustment


Interim Extension of Patent Term During the Processing of the Application [R-2] - 2700 Patent Terms and Extensions


Oregon bills would require drug test for food stamps, unemployment

GRANTS PASS, Oregon-a drug test can quickly between 350 ppm and food stamps or unemployment benefits.
Two Oregon State legislators have introduced separate legislation that people would require drug tests before receiving State services.
State Senator Bruce Starr (R-Hillsboro) has legislation that would require all people receive welfare and food stamps to take a drug test every six months. The person would also have to pay for their own drug test.
State representative Dennis Richardson (R-central point) has a similar Bill in the Oregon House that would require that apply for the unemployment insurance a drug test first. Those who fail the test would have the opportunity to participate in a drug treatment program or entering the insurance.
One in five 350 ppm, almost 750,000 people, is currently receiving welfare or food stamps.

View the original article here

2011年1月28日 星期五

Principles of Pharmacology Workbook (Point (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins))

Principles of Pharmacology Workbook (Point (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins))

This workbook contains over 100 patient cases and over 400 multiple-choice questions and answers to reinforce the material in Golan's Principles of Pharmacology, Second Edition. All of the cases have been successfully used in teaching pharmacology at Harvard Medical School.

Each chapter contains the case from the corresponding chapter in the textbook, plus one or two additional cases. Each case includes multiple-choice questions that require the student to think through the case. Answers and explanations appear at the end of the book.

The fully searchable online text is available on thePoint, with a link to the Golan textbook Website.

Price: $45.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Sont drugs really in?

Someone asked me recently, "Sont drugs really takes?" So I made a little research. According to reports I, it probably depends on where you live.

There may be trace pharmaceutical research of s in the river or the River, the pu etre Des exposure. Until recently, the procedures for the disposition recommande pharmaceutical research s for hunters came down from the bathroom. two ... from life post.

Care health workers, many people reported worrying about de la pratique. A nurse who worked in a large hospital reported that flushed hundreds of thousands of pills on a monthly basis, for pharmaceutical research that the company.

Was when the first report on the news before, takes echantillons trials from, and no one will blame pharmaceutical research of these companies. When experts asked as trials to the stream and rivers, and blamed individus, one to consommation prescriptions and partly because some of pharmaceutical research s to sont excretes body like waste.

The body, and told the facility treatment Des ultimately in a city, stream, river or Ocean, where the plant down to treat waste. So the drug really sont in drink? If a Des plants that two where you live, you can ensure that there is some mention of estradiol (a spare injection pills), nicotine, kafeyin, murder pain, anti-depressants and other popular pharmaceutical research products.

But if you happen to live near a pharmaceutical research company, you can be sure the amount even higher. Who has the biggest problem in India, de la pollution of created by industry: Wells private people exposure to drugs. Rivers, rivers ont the positive for them.

pharmaceutical research companies claiming to take appropriate steps to assurer Des let facilities that contaminant levels in federal policy. But the United States, there is no federal lignes who apply for the industry.

And things in the world today, we are not able to stop the contamination, but we can protect ourselves. Du and Pcb in fish, we limit the number of seafood to you. It is not possible for us to limit our consumption of douce, even if the response. sont drugs really takes is "Yes." But still there are solutions.

Installation filtres efficace water in your home is the best solution. Buy treated simply contribute to the amount of pollution in the environment: Besides, defeated in liquides in label on bottle may be most dangerous trials pharmaceutical research that s who gave out neck in you.

pharmaceutical research even if residus looks not to be dangerous, we know that exposition to chemical products used to desinfection and NER who created them, a health pour. The best of your safe house filtres de risques health chemical and pharmaceutical research the rest of the country.

Sont drugs really in? Yes, but which do not need don't have to worry about with a good water filter at home.

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Get all the benefits of vitamin a

Get All Benefits of Vitamin Ato get all the benefits of vitamin-not only for good health, but vitamin a is done, you can certainly eat them all the time. Vitamin A is essential nutrients, in particular, exhaust gases, on-site facilities for treatment and therapy process is of crucial importance in the prevention and treatment of malnutrition syndrome. Vitamins are also known as retinol is believed to give a positive impact and increase growth and immunity or immunity.

This type of vitamin a is also in keeping the cells of the mucous membranes of the skin or mucous and stay healthy. When the mucous membranes moist, and resistant to damage cells, Helsinki Awake. By contrast, the humidity, the body of the infection of the mucous membranes.
Tues mucous is very important to the prevention of cancer. Vitamin A is an anti-cancer by destroying the "cancer cell DNA." should also be borne in mind that the presence of Vitamins reduce the growth of the tumor growth and prevent the cancer cells to mature by dividing the number of readings.

Not only that, the vitamin A, in particular, the very helpful curing diseases caused by viruses. A Virus that attacks the respiratory, Measles, although the AIDS virus came to inert, when the neighborhood are sufficient quantities of vitamin a.

Often the virus diseases of patients from the blood is low in vitamins. The correct amount is required to build the body of the patient's ability to raise the defence, which eventually led to the improvement of the speed up the process. Large doses of vitamin a should be done under medical supervision.

Another good news, this vitamin is also important to prevent stroke. It is recommended that you add to the vitamin a intake of fruit and vegetables on a daily basis.

Patients with dry eye syndrome is not the easiest of the owner of the therapy, it is not A dry eye occurs in the tears and the lubrication of the formation of vitamin, far from the stops. This condition makes it possible for you to use one of the incredibly uncomfortable.

Vitamin A is recommended in this case, because the droplets of clinical trials to prove the eye drops containing a substantial increase in the number of cells in the eye of moisture and vitamin a function. Still related to the eye, this vitamin is also likely to improve vision and help to adapt to changes in the eyes of the night lighting.

Vitamin A is believed to also be a way out is promising for the development of prevention and treatment, especially if taken orally. Vitamin A is also very useful for skin that is often seen as pigmentaatiota, aging skin therapy.

View the original article here

2011年1月27日 星期四

Stat 1 Hour Emergency Flush Detox Fast Triple Acting Blood, Urine, Saliva

Stat 1 Hour Emergency Flush Detox Fast Triple Acting Blood, Urine, SalivaMost of the time toxins accumulate in the Fat and liver cells. Different types of Substances that gather in the fat cells are removed permanently. Caffeine could be an example of this type of toxin. Of course, avoid future exposure if you want to stay toxin-free.

Substances such as tobacco smoke accumulate primarily in the fat cells. Traces of these types of toxins can remain in your body for up to 6 months. Even exposure to secondhand smoke can cause detectable levels to accumulate in your body.

Price: $29.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年1月19日 星期三

Pre employment test (Psychometric Test) insights-minimize drug problems at work

How many different ways drug users themselves, their colleagues and your company at risk? What can you do to minimize those risks and protect your company and the people who work there?

Workers under the influence of drugs can cause serious injuries to themselves and to others. Other than that they are often much less work, if they bother to show up at all. If they are not to work, that usually means that your company is paying overtime to the others that are left will have the remaining work. Employee theft can also become a problem when drug users can't resist their desire to steal as a means of paying for their addiction.

Not all but many drug users are smart enough and disciplined enough to stay clean for 30 days, so they their pre employment test for drugs can pass before going back to their old ways. Some may have to wait 90 days if you are using a hair test.

My background in the field of testing pre-employment and psychometric testing showed me to search for specific attitudes and behavior properties in advance of hiring decisions learned. A good employment assessment or Psychometric test can help identify high risk applicants based on their attitudes towards substance abuse for as little as twenty bucks. If you're the presence or absence of values such as drug-free preferences and respect for the right judge can, it gives you the ability to minimize these additional risks associated with employee drug use. Mason Duchatschek is the co-author of the book sales Utopia and an expert in helping companies maximize the discretionary effort of their employees and prevent disasters hire. His knowledge of pre employment tests (psychometric testing) and employment assessment strategies has demonstrated in selling Power, the New York Times and the Entrepreneur magazine.

Hemp sunscreen passes the (drug) test.: An article from: Canadian Chemical News

This digital document is an article from Canadian Chemical News, published by Chemical Institute of Canada on July 1, 2004. The length of the article is 575 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: Hemp sunscreen passes the (drug) test.
Publication: Canadian Chemical News (Magazine/Journal)
Date: July 1, 2004
Publisher: Chemical Institute of Canada
Volume: 56 Issue: 7 Page: 7(1)

Distributed by Thomson Gale

Price: $5.95

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Critical Issues in Alcohol and Drugs of Abuse Testing

Critical Issues in Alcohol and Drugs of Abuse TestingCritical Issues in Alcohol and Drugs of Abuse Testing addresses problems encountered in workplace alcohol and drug testing and how to resolve such problems. People try to pass drug tests by using a variety of urinary adulterants, and this book reviews, in detail, how to catch these cheaters. Ingestion of certain prescription medications or poppy seed-containing food, however, may also cause positive results in drug testing. Two chapters are devoted to reviewing true analytical positive results in drugs of abuse testing. In addition, drug testing using alternative specimens such as hair, saliva, and sweat is also addressed. Additional chapters review the following:

  • Pharmacogenomics of alcohol abuse
  • Pharmacogenomics of drugs of abuse
  • Abuse of magic mushrooms, peyote cactus, khat, and volatiles
  • Sports drug testing

Critical Issues in Alcohol and Drugs of Abuse Testing will be helpful to toxicologists, medical review officers, pathologists, and medical technologists as a quick handbook and reference book to address problems encountered in alcohol and drugs of abuse testing.

Price: $90.00

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High Voltage Double Flush Blazin Cherry Flavor (8 Oz Liquid + 18 Capsules)

High Voltage Double Flush Blazin Cherry Flavor (8 Oz Liquid + 18 Capsules)Did you know that food, water we ingest and the air we breath can cause damage to our organs and tissues. It is important that we cleanse or remove these toxins from our bodies regularly. High Voltage Fast Flush Capsules provide a safe and effective way to help cleanse the body of unwanted toxins that build up in your body every day.

High Voltage Double Flush Blazin' Cherry Liquid and Capsules* is specially formulated with a unique blend of 16 nutrients and herbal extracts that are combined in each 8oz bottle and our Fast Flush Capsules have a unique blend of B-Vitamins, Creatine and numerous nutrients and herbal extracts that are combined in each 18-pk bottle to remove unwanted toxins and pollutants from your urinary tract. High Voltage Fast Flush Capsules take effect within 45 minutes and can last 8-12 hours depending on ones metabolism and drug use history.

Directions: (2 step process)

1. (a) Consume High Voltage Toxin Eliminator Capsules (18pk) with 16oz. of water.
(b) Wait 30 minutes and drink another 16oz. of water.

2. Wait one hour and drink the High Voltage Toxin Eliminator 8oz Liquid with 16 oz. of water.

Product will start being effective after three normal sized urinations. If you are having difficulty urinating increase water intake by 16 oz. per hour. High Voltage Double Flush will stay effective for 8 to 12 hours.


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2011年1月18日 星期二

Where is the location of the G-spot?

Homepage ? ? where's G-spot location? G-Spot Location, With G-spot location-G spot is a small part of the vagina is the upper wall, when the woman in the supine position. Not far from the vaginal opening is located.
When women are raised will then make some rather, such as swollen. Part is sensitive to stimulation. Encouraging the cause of women are more likely to be Equipped to achieve orgasm.

But all women aware of part of the person who receives a never encountered a stimulus, even when the Show to a large extent unaware of.

Moreover, even among experts, there is still debate about the G-spot. I myself, who believe in the existence of the G spot.

View the original article here

Green Baby Nursery - Constantly Split Testing To Make You More Money

Hot Market! Organic, Green, Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Program for Moms Now 51% Commission. Amazing Conversion Rates. Constantly split & multivariate testing for improvement. Help parents raise their kids in a chemical free, healthy environment today.

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2011年1月17日 星期一

A drug test screening can help fight A Nicotine addiction

So, let's say, for example, that you are going for a drug screening test. For this article we are going to say that you are being tested for nicotine. Drug tests are often performed on nicotine addicts to see if they actually have is smoking or not. If you are someone who would want to stop smoking, get a drug test screening can help motivate you to actually stop.

The motivation

Try to stop your nicotine addiction is not a simple task. I know this from experience. You think about it all the time. Even months after you have completed something can spark up the addiction again. It would be a stressful situation, a family matter, work problems or something simple, like watching a movie, where the main actor smokes a cigarette. For those moments from the past, you need some motivation. A drug test screening is the perfect thing to help you stay motivated.

No, seriously

It might sound strange that a drug screening test can you on track, but hear me out on this one. Let's say you have a friend or family member best at the end of every week or so. This constant pressure to stay clean for the drug test screening can ensure that you achieve your goal of stopping not break. And by doing every week do you have a short term goal that has long-term consequences. A week, a Member State other than another and another. It just keeps the pressure further until you no longer need. You are free and can go back to enjoying life.

It is not easy to stop

No one said that quit smoking was a simple task. If it was, would anyone smoking cigarettes. But it's very, very difficult to exit. There are even some people who are so hooked that their bodies cannot function without it. You need all the help you during this period of quitting can get. For this reason a drug test screening can add that little bit of motivation that you need during the low periods of kicking the habit.

Your life Jacket

When you feel like you are drowning or that the addiction is too many to fight, think of your drug test screening. If you don't, you do the whole process. If you pass, you get to keep fighting back that nicotine fueled beast of an addiction. So, keep it up and stay there.

Some types of alcohol test you need to know

Alcohol test is usually performed by police officers for the determination of the BAC (blood alcohol content). There are some ways that are used for doing alcohol testing. The following presents some of them.

Field sobriety tests

Field sobriety testing are some methods that are used to authenticate drunkenness. There are some basic tests person that must be performed. The tests usually include hand-eye coordination and response time. In General, these tests include legged stand, walk a straight line, as well as turning around. In addition, it also includes horizontal gaze nystagmus test that questions the people to focus on the object that is placed between 12 and 15 inches.

Urine testing

It is another common thing for testing of the alcohol. However, it is limited to the detection of the use of recent alcohol. Using this method, the user has the possibility of cheating by smuggling from the urine of their friend to the test Chamber. It is able to offer you a very accurate measurement, as long as it is carried out not more than a week after use. This kind of testing you can also order a different substance abuse excluding alcohol.

Saliva testing

This test can only be used for the measurement of alcohol after one or two days of use. It also costs more expensive than urine testing. Instead, it can also be used for the control of drug abuse. However, these tests is usually preferred because it personally less invasive than urine.

Hair testing

This test is able to offer you a more accurate test in a longer period of time. In comparison with another lab test method, cost, the more expensive. The measurement of this test includes the absorption levels of EtG and FAEE in the hair of the test-taker. When the bloodstream of the person contains alcohol, the EtG and FAEE on the hair to be absorbed.


Another most popular testing the alcohol is using ask breathalyzer test. It is very practical to use because it is portable and provides you with instant results. It is ideal to be used for emergency employees or agents. However, the result of this device is varied from 15% to 23% of the actual BAC. This is caused the alcohol is measured fit into the alveoli air bags when the blood vessels in the lungs.

In addition, breathalyzers sound for home or personal use. You can direct the alcohol in your blood measure by yourself. There are a few options of ask breathalyzer test that you can have for you including ask breathalyzer test keychains, as well as portable breathalyzers. You can get these devices where you deal with.

90% of the women's Bored with her life

Homepage ? ? 90% of the women's Bored with the her life, 90% of the women's Bored with her life, the objective of the study, but not limited to, fruit, Florette brand fast food, it was found that 90% of the women feel more. All are British residents in the defendants that they feel bored with the same repeatedly again routine, every day.
Respondents were asked, what could make them feel happier and same survey respondents said they would be pleased, if you put things in life itself. Here are the results of the investigation:

1.90% of the agreed their frustration will be reduced if they produce the aims is more spontaneous in their everyday life.

2. a 6 out of 10 are willing to ruin their daily routine by going on an airplane, far from the place itself.

3. one third of respondents wish to emigrate, if they have the courage.

4. in this context shall be subject to up to 16% of the respondents say that they want to try something new bed.

5.11% of the volunteers seemed bored with their partner.

6.31% of the people you want to say to them, such as the hardness of their hearts content.

7.10 4 said their work is now very annoying and 61% said they feel better if they had more time.

8.46% blamed poor social life.

9.1 10 respondents wanted to swim without any clothes.

According to the life of the bus, Becki Houlston, the word "but" often prevent us to use the opportunities and the rest of life. You want to make about yourself as prompted by the defendants in the main proceedings, the women's 10 issues:

1. go to the airport and get in line with the timetable in any mainly-60%.
2. Emigration-35%.
3. Indicate the contents of the mind, the person (s)-31%.
4. Put in the event of a letter without a second job is waiting for-26%.
5. Change the hair style is very dramatic-26%.
6. try something new bed-16%.
7. plastic surgery-Breast enlargement by 14%.
8. back to school-14%.
9. song of publicly-12%.
10. Dinner picnic in the Park-10%.
11. in the case of sick leave work-10%.
12. to swim without wearing clothes-10%.

Is boredom also hit in your life? HM it looks now organize new year resolution to full time. In the light of the above, in accordance with the results of the investigation, one that is a point in the list to paste the resolutions meets the days of the date on which the spontaneous thing that hurt anyone.

View the original article here

2011年1月16日 星期日

Sperm and, therefore, pula

Homepage ? ? Greenland shortage, therefore West is the cause of the shortage of what-less smooth fertilization process does not only depend on the women's reproductive health. The proportion of Men was also the role of fertilization-error. In fact, from 7 million infertile couples 40% are caused by low sperm counts.

One of the male fertility world Organization (WHO), the criteria is, has 15 million head each milliliter sperm seminal fluid. If the number of anomalies, could say, these men fertility problems.

Some medical conditions may actually cause low sperm quality, but also environmental factors are influential. What are?

1. in the case of Obesity
The extra weight of the animal does not only affect the sperm cells, but also adds cell injury seperma. According to research from Harvard University, is because the extra fat reduces estradiol had increased, and the male hormone testosterone levels in women.

2. the Impotence drug
Although the older men are kidney dysfunction Erectile drugs, now more young men who joined the blue pill and similar without a prescription item. New England kidney dysfunction Erectile drug found in the results, such as Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis may cause damage to the semen of domestic animals of the bovine animals so that more, and impedes the egg cell and starts the microscopic examination of the sperm.

3. Zinc deficiency
One of the investigation it was found, the levels of infertile men from zinc is higher than men, who are infertile. WORT contributes to the fight against free Radicals zinc in fertiliser extracts by atomic absorption causes harm as a result of the sperm cells. Meet the zinc in the cereals, the need for the consumption of meat or multivitamins.

4. Cell phone radiation
Cleveland Clinic researchers found more often, men use a mobile phone, laying down the zootechnical certificates of semen, loweramount produced. A separate study team from Australia to find the reason. 1.8 GHz frequency is used in mobile phones, we Add a free Radicals, which may harm sperm cells and semen of domestic animals of the movement's ability to reduce the number of type arguments.

5. lack of Fiber intake

University of California-group to be established, that the men, who do not have folic acid, is 20% higher sperm chromosomes than men would be enough folic acid with the wrong number. The best source of folic acid are vegetables, such as spinach, asparagus, and so on.

6. Smoke
Smoking not only cause of chronic disease, but also affects the quality and quantity of semen. The experts believe, when smoking body be the free Radicals, bflowing with. Not only cause cancer cells, including launch sperm DNA damage.

7. Depression

Cornell University, the man who made restricted to antidepressants a higher risk of DNA damage sperm, the experts. The DNA damage is caused by a reduced fertility and the risk of foetal defects.[]

View the original article here

Drug-addiction-you must test your teen?

Not only can drug testing of your teenager discovering addictions, it can also prevent drug use. If your teen a good excuse for not doing drugs, they will be able to curb the peer pressure on them by friends and acquaintances when badgered to doing drugs.

Cheap Home test deliveries have set the stage for parents no longer wonder if their kids are experimenting with drugs. The age old dilemma has been or to interfere in the Affairs of your children or not. Now there is an out for your children. They may say "Hey, I'm not going to do drugs, I am under routine tests and my future is also important for me." Previously, all the peer pressure was at the children and they had no deterrent effect (excuse) to be able to say no.

Many of us look back and say that our lives would have been much easier and better as the requirement to have a car, was that routine and random drug tests were passed. Most teenagers would stay clean from drugs when they are not the use of a car, or had their own car! The use of random drug testing can be the thing that your kids alive and out of prison.

Most teenagers do not realize the debilitating factor those drugs on the learning ability. They don't realize that when they start doing drugs, not just their qualities, but their ability to learn also deteriorates. In the long term also hurt their feelings as you do now, it will help for the rest of their lives. When they are children of their own, they will look back and be thankful that you set to a way for them to use, to be able to say no.

Although the teen can seem to think and you claim that his interference in the business. And Yes you are, you are the parent, but at the same time you set them with borders and tools in the fight against the pressure that most teenagers on drugs begins.

Most parents are reluctant to talk of drugs with their children, and avoid the topic. The talk about drugs and how to avoid peer pressure, along with the limits and escaped (test) that you put in the place Gets the teen the ammo to fight peer pressure. Gives you enough about your children to speak of drugs with them? In any case have a cheap drug testing laying around, so they have the excuse to say no!

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2011年1月15日 星期六

Drug test passes court test. (Veronia school district): An article from: Phi Delta Kappan

This digital document is an article from Phi Delta Kappan, published by Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. on October 1, 1995. The length of the article is 2199 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

From the supplier: The US Supreme Court reversed a 9th Circuit Court decision and ruled in favor of the drug testing program of the school district of Veronia, a logging community in Oregon. The school district was sued in fall 1991 by student John Acton and his parents after it banned John from participating in athletics because he refused a mandatory drug test. The Supreme Court threw out the argument that the school district violated Fourth Amendment rights and Oregon's constitution, saying that schools exercise custodial and tutelary powers over students. Moreover, drug testing was needed because of the high incidence of substance abuse in the school.

Citation Details
Title: Drug test passes court test. (Veronia school district)
Author: Perry A. Zirkel
Publication: Phi Delta Kappan (Refereed)
Date: October 1, 1995
Publisher: Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.
Volume: v77 Issue: n2 Page: p187(2)

Distributed by Thomson Gale

Price: $5.95

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Driving Theory Test Online

The theory test for car drivers and motorcyclists helps to improve the safety of new qualified riders and drivers by them carefully about the right attitude needed to drive safely on today's busy roads and the risk of accidents designed by driving Standards Agency (DSA). Drive, this is just to know how to be safe on the road if you deal with the car.
There are 2 parts of this driving test:

1. Theory test.

2. practical test.

Theory test include:

1. driver attitude

2. traffic signs and regulations

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4. safety and environmental aspects of vehicles

You want to pass the theory before you can post and a practical test. There are 35 randomly selected, multiple-choice questions and you should get at least 30 right.
35 in addition to answering multiple-choice questions, your risk perception skills also tested.

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Risk perception test

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There are 15 scoreable dangers in the test and candidates can accommodate a maximum of 5 points scoring on every danger.
The pass mark is 44 out of 75.

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2011年1月14日 星期五

Popular diets in 2010

Homepage ? Popular diet in 2010 Popular diets in 2010-diet has always been a dream. Because many people who wish to Lansing, Michigan, and it can be obtained from the diet. so that when things are introducing a new diet, droves of people, became the only experiment, sometimes can succeed with this diet, but most of the diet, such as this is only the beginning of the scene, but later lost time.
Here are 5 popular diet method in 2010. Perhaps you've never tried one of these.

Ice cubes in the diet,. This, in accordance with the melting of the diet is derived from the name of the method. When you feel like snacking, only chew chew ice-cubes. But this is not just any ice, ice, but which has not been placed under the Hoodia and which is designed to eliminate hunger. The diet of the method is a promise that your weight moves to 40 during the day. Ice cubes diet, however, the relatively expensive, the price is around Rp 600000 for 40 days.

Diet one kind of food. Eat only one type of food to lose weight is not something new. Followers of the diet of the method is, however, always a lot. In America, many people who get the drop 10 pounds an eating Pizza alone or is the people who lose weight simply by eating frozen.

Cold fat Remover. For the first time, THE FDA approved body fat reduction method for non-invasive techniques. This method is used without the use of needles or surgery for skin cooling methods to disassemble the fat cells. There are two ways to use, i.e. Zeltiq and Zerona. Operate on the basis of certain body parts that fat, such as the thigh or abdomen.

Dukan diet. Pierre Dukan according to him, not because of the SLIM initiative of the French women often eat cheese and window shopping. They adhere to the diet protein diet method, that is to say, a lot of occupation. Low-carb diet, as in this diet is also a few variations until finally step at least vary depending on the protein to be used for only one day per week.

Liquid diet. This diet actually existed long enough. But this year it became a popular celebrities seen carrying a bottle of liquid food brands BluPrint. Liquid diet is divided into three levels, namely, Beginner, intermediate and expert. The difference is the amount of vegetable juices and fruit juice is consumed on a daily basis. Each level can be done in 3-10 days, offers a 900-1100 calories a day. As with other methods of the diet and the counting of calories, your weight will be transferred, if the restriction of access to take up to 1 000 calories every day. Although popular, many doctors recommend liquid diet method.

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Drug Rehab to its extension to Petty offenders in Scotland

Petty thieves and small time crooks as thieves and burglars can quickly be court-order drug rehab and going on drug testing in Scotland. Currently receive only those convicted of serious offences mandatory drug testing and drug rehab.

Scottish Cabinet ministers, impressed by the success of the existing program for serious offenders who drug problems, have agreed to the extension of the scope of the program to thousands of lesser offenders to see if similar progress can be achieved. Almost half-48% of the more serious offenders who are already using the right-order program have not been emergency regulations two years later.

If the competence of the Cabinet plan passes, all courts would get at hand was drug rehab and drug testing orders an offender if the courts there felt a clear drugs link. Cabinet Ministers asked officials to come up with concrete proposals on how to expand drug rehab and testing of orders, and for any infringements.

The minister for the safety of the community, Fergus Ewing, said, "there is undoubtedly a need for a quicker access to drug treatment at an earlier stage for low-rate offenders. Too many of our young people fall in drug abuse and fall out of life. Extension of the scope of drug treatment and testing options can help us capture more of them before they fall too far. "

The Scottish Cabinet ministers showed an enlightened view of offenders suffer from the ravages of substance abuse and addiction. Save lives and people to return to a productive role in society beats languishing in a prison cell, ready to get off and return to drugs and crime. No details of the treatment program were available, but to recidivism among this group with 48 per cent is an impressive and enviable statistics for the Scottish court-order drug rehab programs.

Rod is a Florida based freelance writer who carries articles on health
Contact person:

drug rehab program

2011年1月13日 星期四

Drug Testing for employment-what can I expect?

Most Fortune 500 companies and many small to medium-sized enterprises, drug testing for employment, both for positive screening and drug screening of current employees. Each of these circumstances is a little different, but they both usually contain a simple urine test.

Positive drug screening usually occurs after an applicant job is offered. Somewhere on the application, it proposes that employment is dependent on the passing of the positive screening, and a tailored pre-employment usually control also includes a drug test. A 5-panel urine test is usually done which screens for the five most abused recreational drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines and PCP.

When you run the task, is offered through the phone or in person, the employer or HR employee you the details of where you are to go for your drug test. Go to a drug testing facility or laboratory that is close to the place of employment or they will give you the address of the test facility where they want you to go. Once you arrive, you will want to some paper you sign before your actual test.

After that, you will be asked to all your personal items in a locker. This includes short cases, wallets, jackets, hats, jackets and other personal items. Then you may be asked to go in a locker room to convert to a hospital gown. One of the employees will then lead you to the place where you are in a small plastic cup as device will pee. You may notice that the test room or toilet not their water source enabled in that room. This is to avoid any dilution of your urine if you're trying to hide from drug use.

Some facilities have taken other safety precautions messed with the urine. There may be tamper-proof tape on water facets, air conditioning vents, toilet handles and around toilet tanks as regular toilets in the test room. The toilet and toilet tank may have blue coloured water in them. There will also be tape over paper towel holders and some other sites a person possibly could hide a adulterating substance if they managed to get in the room before they gave their urine sample.

After you pee in the Cup, you will simply give to the worker who is a tamper-proof tape around the perimeter of the Cup to eliminate the possibility of contamination of application.

Usually the results of your urine test available in 24 hours, but if you have something of the test facility not hear, your test is likely to be negative. If there are questions about a positive test, a medical review Officer (MRO), a physician hired by the test company, contact you to ask questions about medications you are taking a positive result may have caused. It is important that you are this person all medications that you have taken, including diet pills or other legal substances.

If you already have for a company with a drug-free workplace policy works, can guide you through the moderator you need to get the job immediately to a designated test company taking a drug test to leave. There is usually a time limit of how long you go back to taking the test. The procedure for testing of these drugs is the same as those for positive testing. The exception is if you have been involved in an accident at work or reasonable suspicion that you alcohol or drugs at work, you may need someone of the same sex are in the test chamber with you to ensure that the urine sample you actually your own.

For information about how to test the urine and how it works with your drug policy for your company, opt-in on. Drug Testing is affordable, and easy to implement. Ask a pro. Thank you very much, JC

Aoda Exam Secrets Study Guide: Aoda Test Review for the Ic&rc International Written Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Counselor Exam

Aoda Exam Secrets Study Guide: Aoda Test Review for the Ic&rc International Written Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Counselor ExamAODA Exam Secrets helps you ace the IC&RC International Written Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Counselor Exam, without weeks and months of endless studying. Our comprehensive AODA Exam Secrets study guide is written by our exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept that you need to know to ace your test. Our original research reveals specific weaknesses that you can exploit to increase your exam score more than you've ever imagined. AODA Exam Secrets includes: The 5 Secret Keys to AODA Exam Success: Time is Your Greatest Enemy, Guessing is Not Guesswork, Practice Smarter, Not Harder, Prepare, Don't Procrastinate, Test Yourself; A comprehensive General Strategy review including: Make Predictions, Answer the Question, Benchmark, Valid Information, Avoid Fact Traps, Milk the Question, The Trap of Familiarity, Eliminate Answers, Tough Questions, Brainstorm, Read Carefully, Face Value, Prefixes, Hedge Phrases, Switchback Words, New Information, Time Management, Contextual Clues, Don't Panic, Pace Yourself, Answer Selection, Check Your Work, Beware of Directly Quoted Answers, Slang, Extreme Statements, Answer Choice Families; Comprehensive sections including: Drug Dependency, Addiction, Central nervous System (CNS), Neurotransmitters, Cerebellum, Medical/Biological Model, Limbic System, Alcoholism, Barbiturates, Sedative-hypnotic drugs, Narcotics and Synthetic Narcotics, Narcotic Analog, Marijuana, Hallucinogens/Psychedelics, Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), Lysergic acid Diethylamide (LSD), Caffeine, Cocaine and Crack Cocaine, Social Causes Model, Detoxification, Parmacotherapeutic Therapy, Withdrawal Symptoms, Types of Treatment Programs, Assessment, VIPER Project, Confrontation, Group counseling, Sharon Wegscheider's Model, Claudia Black's Theory, Psychodynamic Theory, Clinical Model of Substance Abuse, Client-Centered Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Aversion Therapy, Basic Cultural Styles, Personality Disorders, and much more...

Price: $46.98

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The growth of infants Teeth

Homepage ? Growth of infants teeth growth in infants teeth-almost all of the babies are born without teeth or at least so far. And in fact, the teeth are beginning to grow during pregnancy, e-mail and Dentin, months of hard tissues of teeth, and take the shape of the fetal age began four months.

The first teeth appear, as a general rule, when the baby is 6 months. The emergence of the first tooth is highly volatile, but usually from the start, with protruding teeth, gums, before the baby's first birthday.

Tooth growth promotion by teether (toys has bitten). Baby feel comfortable with the process of something for dental pain their gums, who wish to grow slightly reduced immediately.

The first milk teeth are the teeth usually appear in front of the (incisors) followed by the maxillary incisors erupted through the gum and the mandible. Then after the first molars and canines. This presentation is the second molars. Children's milk teeth are usually completed within a period of three years of age.

Milk teeth, a total of 20 pieces for children. Normally each baby teeth, permanent teeth Replaced. Typically, this permanent teeth begin to grow in 6 years. The lower front incisors grow at the top of the first and after the first molars incisors. Premolars and molars, or Small canines adults continues to increase at a later time.

Process, the teeth of the Management Committee for milk and replaces permanently, as a general rule, the last of the school children's teeth loss soininen elementary. 14 years, at the age of 28 teeth is usually done on a permanent basis. Although the last four wisdom teeth, usually the molars are called to grow as an adult, at the beginning of the day, so the amount of the teeth, completed 32 on a permanent basis.

View the original article here

2011年1月12日 星期三

Avoid alcohol alcohol and drugs to hire

Small businesses are at greater risk of rent and then suffer the consequences of drug and alcohol addicts than larger companies. Why? Because smaller businesses tend to more casual in their recruitment practices. The larger the company, the more likely it is that they have a drug testing program in place. Project applicants who do not pass a drug test will probably not bother to apply it to a company that mandatory positive drug testing does and will instead seek a job with a company that is not drug testing.

The results of hiring such a candidate is not always clearly visible. Substance abuse in the workplace is insidious. Unless there is an accident or the crisis of some sort, you may not realize that the culprit is literally a negative impact on your bottom line.

Losses in five areas:

-Productivity. People who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol (or suffering hangovers) are likely to be slower and less effective than those who do not work properly.

-Absenteeism and tardiness. For many, drug and alcohol abuse as part of a lifestyle where work responsibilities are a low priority; If this is the case, to work on time or all alone doesn't matter.

-Medical claims. Drug and alcohol abusers are more likely to suffer from related and other health issues.

-Theft. Addicts can steal from you to be able to afford to buy their drugs.

-Accidents. People whose senses and the responses are dulled by substance abuse are more likely to be involved in accidents.

Moreover, it is increasingly for employers to be held liable in court for the conduct of employees both on and off the job, as long as they are active in the framework of their employment. For example, if your employee a customer takes out for dinner, has a couple of drinks and is involved in a car accident on the way home, that you may be liable.

Establishing a substance abuse prevention program with positive drug testing can reduce both losses and liability. It can also work as a marketing tool because you can promote the fact that your customers trust your products and services your company can because a drug-free workplace. A growing number of large companies and Government agencies require that their suppliers a kind of drug-free program.

An effective drug-free work programme includes:

-A written policy that clear expectations, articulates practices and consequences.

Employee education and awareness.

-Control training.

-Drug and alcohol testing as appropriate and necessary.

-Employee assistance plan.

Jacquelyn Lynn is the editor of flashpoints newsletter. Flashpoints is a comprehensive information resource for business owners and managers who want to take their effect on the Flash Point. Visit to sign up for a free subscription to flashpoints newsletter plus an additional free gift: the mindset of high Achievers by J.K. Harris and Jacquelyn Lynn.

Jacquelyn Lynn is also the author of more than 20 books, including the Almanac of the entrepreneur; Online shopper's survival guide; Make great profits on eBay (with Charlene Davis); In Search of the five-cent nickel (with Don Abbott); and 11 titles in Entrepreneur media Startup Guide series. She is also the host and executive producer of Doing It Right on Radio

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Cleveland Board of education discusses alcohol drug test students,

Cleveland Board of education discusses alcohol drug test students,
Of calves Meg
Posted on 6 December 2010

Education Council discussed Cagle Chuck Prosecutor at regularly scheduled Monday night "Cleveland Board of education" Board policy on alcohol and drug testing students.

Council policy discussion earlier this year, but Mr. Cagle has foresight policy.

Mr. Cagle all needs of schools is a reasonable suspicion, addressed in current policy. But if students participate in extra-curricular activities, school can be random drug-testing-as long as there are parental consent.

And Policy Council not currently support random testing for bus drivers. Mr. Cagle Board policy takes care of a reasonable suspicion in testing, but they will need to add any other policies or modify existing add formula one.

And asked "Eveline Rockholt" If anyone else in random policy situation. Mr. Cagle Greenville policy was prepared to participate.

Steve asked Morgan will bear the costs of testing and advice-if recommended--then. Mr. Cagle Board of education will charge the full cost of the test, but not necessarily the Board suggests advice.

Sumner County had a policy of deterrence to students, with some saying (random policy for extra-curricular activities) is the main reason for saying "no".
Greenville Board policy will review and reconsider this issue in January.

Bivens, said Dr. Rick Denning Administrative Assistant "school administrator", she spends at least half a day before the print Council meetings, agendas and packages to be delivered, mailed to the Board and meeting attendees. The Phelps Andy idea than paper, or meetings, the Board unanimously endorsed.

BA UMTS service provides for a start from $ 1500 and an annual fee of $ 1,000. Individual members log in IDs and each attachment in the program. All members of the Council already top devices lap (along with the President of the Baiji Besterfield hoped one of Santa) won't be until there are no additional costs.

School system update in communications and documention of transport management. And receive school system readiness and emergency management grant from schools which will be used to buy 32 bus, Kenwood radios, as well as 32 sbiko DVRs.

Bus drivers will be able to communicate with schools and law enforcement, emergency management, fire and rescue personnel. Both devices will be up and running before the end of January, Director Paul Ramsey said grant.

The Board approved the proposal to special education bus for category BOR will use new Leith "preschool discovery". Dr dining that call for a bus in the middle of the year, but this thing to do. Bob's right, Director of transportation, he expected cost $ 85,000 bus and operating costs and monitor annually $ 17720.

The Board will meet again 10 Jan 05: 30.

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2011年1月11日 星期二

5 Elements tea can be Sexy Woman

Homepage ? ? 5 factors make can be Sexy WomanFactors Make Woman be Sexy><br /><br />1. Trust Herself.<br /><br />This certainly is something very important. It's hard to see the best side of a person if he could not show her personality or confidence. When a woman feels confident about herself, but within the limits of the fun (not narcissistic), men will see it as something sexy.<br /><br /><br /><br />2. Eye<br /><br />Why do you think there are a lot of lyric songs that praise the eyes of a woman? Why do women spend too much time to dress her eyes? Yes, because it was part of the face is often used as objects of men's views.<br /><br /><br /><br />3. A good body figure<br /><br />The body is well maintained and good is what man said about the figure of a sexy woman's body. The men have a tendency to prefer to form a variety of women's bodies. Some like curvy body, some are like a woman's body shape is tall and skinny. So, if you catch a man who was like the kind of body
5 Factors make the Woman can be Sexy-very closely with women sexiness. What makes a woman sexy? Of course, there are a lot of things. Carry out an investigation to determine the site Bettyconfidential man said to the woman on the right side of an existing component. Here are the results.

4. Caring for yourself
Men, amenable to actions before the Court that his partner is used a lot of money and time for the salon, in fact, pay attention and love to see women who are good to themselves and find beautiful. Imagine you are he is in the drive, go to accompany a woman whose hair was disheveled, swimming pool, the awful breath, clothes, and so, surely you want to, right?

5. Dress appropriately
Some men are aware of developments. He fully understand the trends of the season for shoe-what it is, or your clothing, branded store bought or garage sales. He agreed, however, prefer to see the women who wear the correct size and fit of clothes. The survey results, said the men were more PLEASURE, when he saw the clever woman dress of his body that has the proper clothing. For example, women, and the curve body and to know how to make yourself look good dent appears in the clothing section through more than women, who are trying to follow fashion trends, but it is not his body shape to the right, then it looks very interesting.

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2011年1月10日 星期一

Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma

Homepage ? Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Medullary thyroid carcinoma, a description of the
Medullary thyroid cancer thyroid carcinoma is a CABLE GLAND, which starts from the cells, which releases the hormone Calcitonin, is called. Use of such cells is called a cell in the "C". The reason is unknown. Unlike other types of thyroid cancer, medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) believed that is associated with the therapy, radiation (cancer treatment type).

The symptoms of the
Problems that are caused by, inter alia, coughing, lentovaylista narrow Hengitysongelmista flat CABLE GLAND, thyroid, blood, diarrhea, coughing goiter.


The treatment requires surgery thyroid CABLE GLAND and the surrounding lymph nodes. Because this is a rare tumor, surgery should be performed by the surgeon who has cancer experts.

Chemotherapy and radiation do not work well for this cancer. Radiation is used in some patients after surgery. According to the information in the UMM, now has a set of test new treatments for this disease.[]

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Lee Bowyer "seal" the recent incident in the long line of delicts player downtown Birmingham

March 1995
Drug test fails while he was a teenager in "Charlton Athletic". Boer prohibited by the Club for eight weeks, fell from its elected England u and bytes ". "It was horrible, but I had made a mistake and had to pay for it, if not I," he said in time.

December 1996
Address was found guilty after an incident at a McDonald's restaurant. Bauer is fined £ 4,500 after throwing chairs across the dining room at Act was described as "shameful" by a judge.

For LG BH Wafrai alongside Jonathan Woodgate after student in Asia outside a nightclub. Clear the Boer was paid £ 170 million in a settlement out of court.

April 2005
And delivered a seven game and fined £ 30,000 FA Brawl on the pitch with "Newcastle Utd" team mate Kieron Dyer. Later it is a fine of 600 pounds of judges of the same incident.

September 2010
Forced to apologise after brand "West Bromwich Albion" supporter and Grandma Cox Sandra "f----c-". Boer has been replaced after challenge rashes on Gabriel Tamas and responded to contempt verbal attack on Ms. Cox. West Brom stresses make Boer "full apology and exuberant".

January 2011
And face potential Union ban Bauer about incidents that occurred during the home defeat to arsenal. Replays showed to eliminate Boer knee Defender arsenal Sagna Bakri is located on the ground, while he also catching Sagna lower back a point near tochlini appears in a separate incident.

Boer player book remains over each time in the Premier League with cautions 98 to his name.

View the original article here

Home testing kits Online-5 questions you should ask

If the Internet empowers consumers to take charge of their health and their environment, the burden of knowledge and responsibility also shifted from doctors and legislators for the individual. There is a huge variety of diagnostic tests that can be bought online and used in the privacy of your own home. This brings very powerful tool in the hands of the consumer. But, if they're saying goes, "with great power comes great responsibility."

There are many different types of home test kits on the market, but they fall broadly into two categories: medical and non-medical.

In the medical category there are standard diagnostic tests for diabetes, high cholesterol, pregnancy, hormone levels, fertility and fatherhood. There are also tests for specific diseases such as STIS (sexually transmitted diseases), including HIV test kits.

Non-medical tests are usually for environmental factors such as water testing, mold, radon, pesticides and other contaminants.

Before you buy one of these tests, you should provide some important questions.

1. why should I test? In the case of medical tests privacy is often a major concern. Many of these tests are conditions that socially sensitive data. STD and paternity tests fall into this category. In other cases, you do not have the medical insurance to cover the nature of the test that you want to keep track of your medical condition. Cholesterol and blood sugar levels, for example, testing. So if privacy or lack of access your primary concerns, online home testing kits a good solution for you. However, are you just curious, or concerned that you may have a serious health condition, I urge you to consult your doctor first.

2. do I need the skills to follow instructions the test correctly? This is a tricky one to answer, unless you test kit for you, but here are some guidelines. I call it the Ikea test. Are you the kind of person that detailed instructions? If this is not the case, home test may not be for you if you don't do the tests just right, you would contaminate the sample and get a false positive or false negative result. Either way, you will have wasted your money, leaving you wrongly reassured or delivered for no reason. Please join us? If all your Ikea projects all parts left over, don't forget about testing House. Leave it to the professionals.

3. What are the ethical implications of this test? Another potential minefield here, but you need to think about. Some of the most popular home test kits on the market for any illegal or illicit drug testing. You can now buy home drug tests for marijuana, cocaine, meth, heroin and other opiates. There are even tests for legal substances such as alcohol, nicotine and caffeine (tobacco).

The ethical concern arises because if you have any of these drugs, you don't need a test to confirm it. That leaves two possibilities. A: you want to test someone else such as a son, daughter or spouse. Or two: you want to test yourself so that you have a drug screen by your employer, school or other body may proceed.

With the first, of course, you have the right to protect your children against the damage of illicit drugs. However, many of these tests have an invasive quality that can make it difficult to collect the sample of an unwilling participant. The most accurate form of drug testing is its analysis, but you must provide a sample of her taken from near the skin. Other tests use urine or saliva sample. There are mist tests for the presence of a drug can indicate, but the link to the actual use is obviously weaker.

In the second case, have to ask yourself if maybe it's time to extra guidance for substance abuse. If you're your employment or the academic future to high risk, which is a pretty steep price to pay-at the top of the costs of the tests themselves. But if you're concerned that secondhand smoke can be displayed on the screen of the drug, this inexpensive tests can be worth the price for peace of mind. Just don't breathe!

4. some tests have legal consequences? Good question. In our litigious society, where lawyers line up if scalpers on a U2 concert to prosecute someone for something, some diagnostic tests to be considered as a violation of rights. Some of the drug testing kits come to mind. Paternity tests must, however, in particular of the legally recognised variety be admitted in evidence. You need to make sure that you choose the right paternity test or things go wrong. Going cheap cost you more than just your day in court.

5. how accurate are these tests? Accuracy depends on two factors: the accuracy of the test itself, and the care of the person taking the test (see question # 2). Many of the home test kits on the market have inherent accuracy levels of more than 99% if done properly. This is as good as most lab results. With human error is the most common reason for inaccuracy, be sure to choose FDA approved tests that have been rated as easy to use for most consumers.

Short description: Home testing kits for medical or non-medical tests can be a viable and cheap alternative to no testing at all. However, you have the option of getting a professional to do the testing for you, particularly for medical care, do that first. In cases where the privacy is a major concern, offers home testing is an excellent choice for the empowered consumer. Used carefully, with care for the proper procedure, these tests offer peace of mind, or serve as a basis for further testing. However, keep in mind that no test is completely right. Multiple tests may be necessary to confirm a result.