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2010年12月29日 星期三

Press and hold the cholesterol, stay on a healthy track

Homepage ? , ? Keep cholesterol Keep Cholesterol, Stay on Healthy Track will stay healthy Keep cholesterol and stay healthy-we often hear the shrimp and the "egg yolk" is food high cholesterol content. Does this mean to go there, should cease, eat them in our blood cholesterol?

Nutritionist Joy Bouner, MS, RD, CDN, who also wrote the book your Inner Skinny, foods containing cholesterol is bad LDL cholesterol in the blood increases or the only reason. In fact, the actual genetiklah author, that becomes the largest factor in the formation of LDL. "The heart, which affect how much cholesterol is produced in the body has and is, unfortunately, some people who produce genetically high cholesterol."

We often hear the shrimp and the "egg yolk" is food high cholesterol content. Does this mean to go there, should cease, eat them in our blood cholesterol?

Nutritionist Joy Bouner, MS, RD, CDN, who also wrote the book your Inner Skinny, foods containing cholesterol is bad LDL cholesterol in the blood increases or the only reason. As a matter of fact, the real author has genetic factor, which becomes the largest factor in the formation of LDL. "The heart, which affect how much cholesterol is produced in the body has and is, unfortunately, some people who produce genetically high cholesterol."

People who are sensitive to genetically cholesterol, saturated fat when eating a lot of LDL levels in the blood rises sharply. Therefore, we have the ideal dose of fat, which enters the body, because in our hearts and minds of the ldd produces blood fatigue. Lifestyle also affect cholesterol in the body to produce the ease.

American Heart Association recommends us to eat more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol a day. And the sources of meat, milk products, the cholesterol in the standardized milk fat, meat, poultry, seafood, eggs and egg yolk.

Bouner will be explained later, cholesterol is the nutrient that is unique. Cholesterol is derived from animals, as a general rule, that contain saturated fat, and need special attention in the light of the proper dose. In spite of the fact that the plants, because the high fiber content then surely less cholesterol levels, or even non-existent.

Then if the shrimp and egg sectors and for egg yolk are safe for use? "This is the perfect base for exploring the story of the" Bouner response. Overall, the egg egg yolk contains cholesterol 212 mg. But the truth is not only of cholesterol, which is the egg yolk, there is also, choline, lutein and zeaxanthin. Even at Harvard in 2008 and then certifies a reasonable consumption of eggs (6 eggs per week) is not done, there will be an increase in the risk of heart and stroke.

So we must actually tricks to enjoy our provision of a blood cholesterol More eggs. Bouner proposes 1 egg egg yolk and egg white to use 2 to 3 when they want to make the omelet.

Does not have a lot of different can be applied to actually Shrimp. Although the actual levels of cholesterol can reach 166 mg/300 grams but Shrimp is rich in protein and Omega-3. So please do not hesitate to eat them once a week. But remember, cook shrimp with boiled, fried, not because the oil in cooking, there will be an increase in the levels of saturated fat.

In particular, those of us who develop type 2 diabetes, the body of the cholesterol intake shall be adopted in accordance with the case, however, a special attention. Share of more than 200 mg/day. This means, the egg yolks and shrimp should only enjoy occasionally.[KOMPAS]

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2010年12月28日 星期二

Amphetamines (Speed)

Amphetamine is also known as speed, drugs that affect the central nervous system. Officially be applied to the treatment of certain diseases such as narcolepsy (sleep disorder) or attention disorders.

On the one hand, it affects the energizer extreme speed record full of beans and makes you, it is not aware of the need. Under the influence of amphetamine feel yourself htara and energetic. On the other hand, of course, some side effects of drugs take place. The next day you can feel jittery screen, depressed, tired out.

What are the main reasons, bring people about taking speed? Mainly they are attracted by the possibility to stay awake for a long time. Purpose and these are typically used mixed with food or drink. Others use speed for weightloss, cause one of the side effects of drug is lack of appetite.

Amphetamine effect also depends on the way to take it. The way most commonly is breathing powder through the nose. As noted above, also be has been dissolved in water or take with food. Injection is considered to be the fastest way to reach happiness is essential.

Slang names for amphetamine: snow, Goey, fast, Uppers, improve, Dragon's blood, white, Oxblood.

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Which is worse: alcohol or marijuana?

Putting aside the matter of the legality of alcohol and illegality of marijuana, there are some fundamental differences between these 2 substances. It is an extensive body of medical research that demonstrates the use of very mild alcohol by adults able to drink (without a history of alcoholism, non-pregnant women with no other medical conditions that prevents drinking water) is actually good for their health. Men drink 3-6 standard drinks (12 oz. beer or wine 5 oz or whisky 1.5 oz.) of the week (on 2 or more seats) and women who drink drinks to standard 2-4 week (on 2 or more seats) just suffer fewer heart disease than people who don't drink at all. Although the medical use of marijuana may help some people with glaucoma or with nausea due to chemotherapy, there are no reliable studies demonstrate that cannabis should be positive for general health effects lmashnim medium pot.

The basic difference is the second track of management. Although marijuana sometimes ingested, is primarily a smoke. Our breathing systems were not simply address the smoke. As the smoke of cigarettes and marijuana smoke contains carbon monoxide, carcinogens, tars, and other poisons. Some research even specifies lmashnim marijuana who hold the smoke in their lungs for a long time before exhaling are made (like many) is likely to be particularly suffer from lung damage. On the other hand, moderate use of alcohol by people who are able to drink is not essentially the same damage to the digestive system.

Although many have difficulty lmashnim pot marijuana despite giving up of its impact, despite the strong desire to quit for good, there is a doubt for alcoholism outside the control is not more than the total damage (both individuals and society) than outside the control pot-smoking. So it is healthy to drink alcohol more moderate to be using marijuana more dangerous to be accidental, larger drinks to be serious head-pot. For the two materials, approximately 15-20% of users eventually getting there were losing control, causing problems themselves and others.

So it is a lesser evils? If you are able to drink, then drink. Like marijuana is illegal, stay away from it. If not, you may end up inadvertently pushing shoulders with people who have an interest in a more dangerous drugs show bone (and lucrative) like cocaine heroin. And remember that pot was eventually buy shoelaces or contaminated materials are harmful chemicals. If the permitted ever of marijuana, don't forget about smoking something might break your lungs, and a significant percentage of marijuana "accidental" initially lmashnim eventually ongoing damage to themselves that they cannot reduce or stop when they wake up and decide that it's time to clean up their act.

Post: marijuana related.

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Drug testing for driver who killed eight

cyclists killed in ItalyThe scene on the road to Lamezia Terme after the accident that left eight cyclists death. Photo: Adriana Sapone/AP

A speeding car used head-on in a group of cyclists in South Italy-this morning, killing eight of them. The driver of the car was smoking marijuana, said the police after testing him.

Four other persons were injured in the crash, on a two-lane road near Lamezia Terme in Calabria, approximately 200 miles south of Naples.

The cyclists were all members of a local club. The driver, a Moroccan national who was slightly wounded, was arrested.

A preliminary investigation showed that the acceleration car walked headfirst into the Group of cyclists ride in the opposite direction. Italian Highways Agency said that the driver was trying to get another car pass when he hit the group. Visibility and driving conditions were said to be good at the time.

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And supports School Board student drug testing policies Putnam

Winfield, W.Va. today in an attempt to prevent drug abuse in schools, and School Board members Putnam Monday, a controversial policy adopted at random drug testing of middle and high school students.

And policy drivers requires students and athletes involved in after-school programs, such as band, choir, approval of test saliva. Principal can test any student at any one of those activities at any time during the school year.

Will prevent students refused to sign the form of driving to school and extra-curricular activities.

Test saliva is a departure from the original proposal that the Board had in October which invited student urinating in Cup inside bath school while monitoring from a contracted testing agency stood outside and listen to the sounds of urinating. "

After several weeks of noise from parents concerned, changing policy Board members to test saliva less intrusive, but more expensive.

"Putnam County schools Director Chuck Hatfield", "our goal is to deter, instead of arrest". "We just feel that it is accurate enough and less intrusive than urine."

The Department contracted health agency tests. The program will develop school officials to try in a few weeks. Hatfield expects that the province will pay approximately $ 50,000 general operating budget for financing these tests.

The Board issued the policy in a 4-1, with Phelps Deborah as the lone.

"I haven't read any type of information that says these experiences will deter drug use".

The school districts in several surrounding provinces, such as Jackson and Kabul, similar to examine drug policies. Recent media reports point to since I started such tests, was found less than 5% provincial schools students test using any kind of drug.

Phelps said explicitly said during the discussions with other members in any policy change from Paul to test saliva test. It also recommended that the Board members facing change consequences if he or she demanded positive experiences.


Winfield, W.Va. today in an attempt to prevent drug abuse in schools, and School Board members Putnam Monday, a controversial policy adopted at random drug testing of middle and high school students.

And policy drivers requires students and athletes involved in after-school programs, such as band, choir, approval of test saliva. Principal can test any student at any one of those activities at any time during the school year.

Will prevent students refused to sign the form of driving to school and extra-curricular activities.

Test saliva is a departure from the original proposal that the Board had in October which invited student urinating in Cup inside bath school while monitoring from a contracted testing agency stood outside and listen to the sounds of urinating. "

After several weeks of noise from parents concerned, changing policy Board members to test saliva less intrusive, but more expensive.

"Putnam County schools Director Chuck Hatfield", "our goal is to deter, instead of arrest". "We just feel that it is accurate enough and less intrusive than urine."

The Department contracted health agency tests. The program will develop school officials to try in a few weeks. Hatfield expects that the province will pay approximately $ 50,000 general operating budget for financing these tests.

The Board issued the policy in a 4-1, with Phelps Deborah as the lone.

"I haven't read any type of information that says these experiences will deter drug use".

The school districts in several surrounding provinces, such as Jackson and Kabul, similar to examine drug policies. Recent media reports point to since I started such tests, was found less than 5% provincial schools students test using any kind of drug.

Phelps said explicitly said during the discussions with other members in any policy change from Paul to test saliva test. It also recommended that the Board members facing change consequences if he or she demanded positive experiences.

Under the original proposal, positive test results can be shared with administrators in school, Phillips said. And now, only the student and school district drug education Coordinator, parents of students will know if he or she experiences positive, according to the new policy.

Phelps said students also not immediately be removed from extra-curricular activities after the positive experiences. She suddenly expelled student band or can easily identify other activity due to positive drug testing or peer as drug user.

"For me, this issue of privacy," she said.

Phelps Board commends to make an effort to keep drugs from schools but voted against this policy despite changes in the past few weeks.

"I just don't agree with method,".

Random tests will begin to County high school students, at the beginning of academic year 2011-12. Experiences that will implement the following school year of middle school students.

Also on Monday, the care members consider building community health clinic in some schools.

The representative of the "Valley of health and community health care agency with offices in Putnam County, Kabul, describes the members of the Board. The Council is considering making Hatfield space to a health centre in provincial schools.

"Health Valley representative Melanie centres Hall will remain registered nurses on staff, and providing health services to all students, but especially the assistance or without coverage.

Council members also approved more than $ 13 million in bid to build "middle school Buka". Council members said that contractors for plots in a new building site in the next few weeks.

Up to Taylor Zac in or 304-348-5,189.

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2010年12月27日 星期一

Biker face court of drug driving

A Harley rider admitted he had a "cloud of a joint" when police pulled him for a roadside drug test, a court was told.

Deane Jerome Sanderson, 52, of Captain Creek, pleaded guilty in Bundaberg Magistrates Court on Friday to a charge of a relevant drug in his blood present while driving.

Police prosecutor Senior Constable Hayley Glover said police Sanderson about pulled over 4. 20 hours on 11 August.

The respondent was driving a silver Harley Davidson motorcycle along Mt Perry Road, North Bundaberg, when he was stopped by the police.

SNR Const. Glover said Sanderson admitted that he had "a puff of a joint on a bicycle show" about a week prior to caught.

"He said that he was not suffering from an illness or injury, but has many old injuries and took Panadeine Forte and Tremil," she said.

A roadside test was done and an analysis showed a "relevant drug" in the Sanderson system.

Attorney Steven Brough said Sanderson was a retired and had consumed a small amount of drugs prior to the interception.

"His wife is an amputee and depending on my client," said Mr Brough.

The lawyer client history "quite comprehensive" admittedly, tension over 24 years.

"He has asked me to his remorse for his actions," said Mr Brough.

"He said that he is a 52-year-old man and it's time to give on the drugs."

Mr Brough also said while not minimize the crime, his client does not feel the effects of the drug.

Judge Jennifer Batts recognized Sanderson plea of guilty.

"It's definitely not a good history, be it for a long period of time," she said.

Mrs Batts fined Sanderson $ 360 and driving him for a month.

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Spectrum Labs Absolute De-Tox Lemon-Lime

Spectrum Labs Absolute De-Tox Lemon-LimeThe Absolute Detox Carbo-Drink is a product that holds the metabolites in your body allowing you to pass a pre-employment nicotine test. Many metabolites are stored in the fat cells of the body and are released when fat cells are burned. The Absolute Detox Carbo-Drink prevents the body from burning fat cells for up to 5 hours so the nicotine metabolites are never released. The Absolute Detox Carbo-Drink is designed for individuals, who smoke 4 times a week or less. If the individual is over 200 lbs., it is recommended they consume two drinks before a pre-employment nicotine test, and drink two full bottles of water. Shake the bottle before drinking. Drink entire contents, then after 15 minutes, drink 16 oz. of water. Wait 45 minutes to be effective.
Product Directions:
Avoid nicotine 48 hours before deadline. Do not drink more than 16 oz. of water per hour. On the day of the deadline, eat and drink normal quantities, avoid foods high in sugar. If possible, schedule test for the afternoon and urinate 3 - 4 times after consuming the Absolute Detox Carbo-Drink. Drink is effective for 45 minutes to 5 hours, however peak effectiveness is at 2 hours. As with any pre-employment nicotine test, avoid strenuous exercise the day of the pre-employment nicotine test. Otherwise, eat and drink normally. The drink tastes better if it is refrigerated prior to consumption.
Product Warnings:
This product is not intended for use on lawfully administered drug tests and is to be used in accordance with all federal and state laws.

Price: $35.00

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Swallow Sperm good health?

Homepage ? , ? Swallow Sperm Good for Health? Swallow Sperm Good for Health?-because the husband and wife of the sexual life of sexual activity should be to meet the following three conditions of the home Member State. In the first place, the desired common. Secondly, both parties and fun. Thirdly, to cause adverse effects, physically and mentally. Oral sex is sexual activity. If the user and the user's husband to do so, go ahead, two other conditions have been met as well.

Such as swallowing sperm is not a problem, as long as my husband is healthy, but expect health benefits, such as swallowing sperm. Information about sperm health and do women benefit from stay with young people is a myth.

So that these data are inaccurate and misleading. True semen was included several important ingredients. However, it means the swallow it directly offer advantages.

Technorati Tags: West, Swallowing sperm health sperm Sexology

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2010年12月26日 星期日

Slimming Drug Alert

Homepage ? ? Alert Alert to Slimming Drug Slimming Drug Slimming Drug Alert-Obesity is a scourge, not only for women, but men. With the exception of the clear appearance of health has proven to be a dramatic increase in obesity amongst damage to health. For this reason, many people make different efforts to reduce the weight of too much.
Prescription drugs, which have proved to be medically, Supplement, supplements the various commercially available products, herbal medicine and traditional medicine in order to reduce the risk of too much weight. Although not scientific evidence, these products in the contend can spread quickly to the fat. What security products only to the extent that such activity?

"Supplements, for example, fat Hoikentava drive usually contain a high level of caffeine. High doses of these supplements can interfere with heart rhythms and cause hypertension, "said Dr. Johanes Chandrawinata, SP. GK, Association Physician Nutrition Specialist Clinic-Indonesia.

Johanes attention expensive but really effective weight is sold in most hoikentava products in circulation in the add-on. "If it is a powerful, why not sell non-prescription drug, whose price is definitely more expensive?" he asked.

He urged the audience in the selection of slimming products, you should be cautious. "You should avoid taking drugs, herbs or supplements, which are diuretic side effects, or add urination and defecation. The type of product, which is quickly lose weight, but drained in body fluids and blood flow in a disconnected state, "said RS. starting from doctor Boromeus Bandung.

If in the long term, these drugs can cause heart and kidney disorders.

Weight loss drug already approved weights in Indonesia and the current POM is a class Diethylpropion and Orlistat. Both have been shown to be clinically for long-term use.

Also Previously circulated to the obesity drug sibutramine group but October 2010, in the absence of POM to suspend this drug, the marketing authorization, where several international scientific journals published the results of the investigation regarding the side effects of these drugs, which can cause strokes and heart problems.

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The Bucs drug test of Mike Williams questions among substance abuse policy

T. Polamalu

It is the week 15, which means that there are only two more regular season damage reports to go.? We will miss the good times we've had with indication of all the little nuggets every Friday evening.? As always, the big stuff gets a post in the rumor mill, and the rest here:

1. The Cardinals quarterback Derek Anderson remains doubtful after concussion.? We would be surprised if the Cardinals quarterback flew to Carolina.? John Skelton restarts for Arizona.

2. the Steelers safety Troy Polamalu (single) is officially questionable.? With Aaron Smith still out, it's good to realize how the Steelers defense looked without those two players last year.

3. Panthers cornerback Chris Gamble is back in the mix after sidelined with a hamstring injury and must again be runway.

4. should The Falcons linebacker Curtis Lofton (knee, questionable) and Jason Snelling (hamstring, questionable) in their line up against the Seahawks.? Both practiced fully Friday.

5. The Seahawks receivers Mike Williams (only) and Ben Obomanu (hand) are likely.? They were both from last week against the 49ers.

6. Bengals wideout Terrell Owens is listed as questionable after missing practice for a large part of the week.? Marvin Lewis expected to to play.? Chad Ochocinco will play despite an ankle injury that left him during the week.

7. Hurricanes quarterback Kyle Orton is officially doubtful with his wounded ribs.? It sounds like Denver will not close to their starter to announce gametime, although signs to Tim Tebow point.

8. The Bucs might have lost six starters for the year, but the remaining team is very healthy.? Only Mike Williams and Kellen Winslow displayed on the accident report, and they're probably.

9. Jaguars quarterback David Garrard (hamstring) and wraps Maurice Jones-Drew both if questionable.? No one believes there is a chance that they will not play, but we thought we should mention it.

10. the Colts listed nine players as questionable.? Running backs Joseph Addai (neck) and Mike Heart (single) look unlikely to play.? Everyone has a chance, although address Charlie Johnson and linebacker, Clint session are uncertain.? Wideout Austin Collie must back.

11. Saints running back Chris Ivory missed practice Thursday and Friday because of his hamstring.? It looking like a Pierre Thomas and Reggie Bush sort of week.? Like old times!

12. The Ravens will again without Todd Heap.? Two members of their Backfield — Le'Ron McClain and Willis McGahee — are doubtful with diseases.

13. Cowboys receiver Roy Williams (groin) and running back Marion Barber (calf) are both doubtful.? It sounds like Barber will suit.

14. The Patriots are very thin on the defensive line. Defensive tackle Ron Brace (concussion), defensive end Myron Pryor (back), defensive end Gerard Warren (knee) and defensive end Mike Wright (concussion) all missed practice all week.? They are doubtful.? Thus, cornerback Devin McCourty (rib) and tight end Aaron Hernandez (disease).

15. Thanks for all the support at PFT this week and throughout the season.?? Now excuse me while I start my Christmas shopping.

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Hawkeyes scuttlebutt much ado about nothing

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By Don Doxsie |

Iowa athletic director Gary Barta speaks during an NCAA college football news conference as football coach Kirk Ferentz, right, looks on, Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2010, in Iowa City, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

IOWA CITY - The last several days the Iowa football program was beginning to take on the look of a Shakespearian tragedy.

Turns out it was: Much Ado About Nothing.

All those rumors we had been hearing for days turned out to have about as much substance as the Hawkeyes' pass defense in the final 5 minutes of some games this season.

Head coach Kirk Ferentz and athletic director Gary Barta dealt with all of it in a Tuesday morning news conference that included very little news. There are no additional player suspensions, no more arrests, no cover-up.

Everything is just hunky-dory in Iowa City.

Or at least as hunky as things can be when you're headed into a bowl game against a clearly superior team on the wings of a three-game losing streak without your leading rusher and career receiving leader.

Depending on what wild Internet scuttlebutt you believed in the past few days, the Hawkeyes either had 23 players who had failed drug tests or they were going to suspend 11 players for the Dec. 28 Insight Bowl or Ferentz was going to be forced to resign for taking part in a cover-up of the whole mess.

It was enough to get several dozen reporters and 14 TV cameras into a small auditorium in the football complex for what turned into a nearly hour-long infomercial for the athletic program's drug-testing procedures.

Ferentz said he doesn't look at Internet message boards, but he used words such as "alarming" and "ridiculous" to describe the information that has been disseminated on them since career receiving leader Derrell Johnson-Koulianos was arrested for possession of multiple controlled substances and allegedly running a "drug house."

Barta said he and Ferentz began hearing from parents of players who were being asked about the rumors. The Iowa program meticulously shields its players from the media and Ferentz said he doesn't think reporters should be allowed to speak to parents either.

In any case, they were disturbed enough by the questions that they felt compelled to provide some answers.

Some highlights:

- Aside from Johnson-Koulianos, the only other player who has been suspended is running back Adam Robinson and that is for lack of effort in the classroom rather than anything related to drug use.

- All the other Iowa players are practicing and are expected to travel to Arizona for the Insight Bowl.

- Running back Jewel Hampton's transfer out of the Iowa program was a "mutual" decision, reached during a Sunday conversation between the player and Ferentz.

- Iowa has not ramped up its drug-testing in the wake of the Johnson-Koulianos arrest although 10 players were in the process of being tested as Iowa City police were slapping the cuffs on the senior receiver.

- Ferentz had no clue before this that Johnson-Koulianos had a drug problem or that he was living with a convicted felon. (He said he might consider doing background checks in the future on the roommates and girlfriends of players.)

Much of the session was spent detailing and extolling the virtues of Iowa's own drug-testing procedures, which Barta said go above and beyond what is mandated by the NCAA and the Big Ten. He did concede that there was evidence to suggest that some athletes might have found ways to circumvent the tests in the past. He would not say how.

The session was good for several reasons. It definitely cleared the air. It absolved Robinson from any implied connection with the Johnson-Koulianos arrest. It probably eased the fears of some Iowa fans.

But it mostly was spin control.

The athletic department just happened to release positive information on its graduation rates on Tuesday. Probably just a coincidence.

It was a noble effort to put a happy face on a program that has prompted most of its followers to grimace for much of the past two months.

Chances are, the only thing that might really do that would be a victory over Missouri.

What Kirk Ferentz and Gary Barta said

Excerpts from the news conference with Iowa football coach Kirk Ferentz and athletic director Gary Barta on Tuesday:

Q. Are any more Iowa football players likely to be suspended?

BARTA: We don't have any more, nor do we anticipate any more.

FERENTZ: That's really one of the reasons we got together today. Learned of some phone calls that were placed to some of our parents, some of the alarming content, just ridiculous questions they were asked. I'm not a huge fan of the social networks, but so much misinformation out there. I have no idea what's out there other than the feedback I got from maybe some parents. Seemed like it was time to address this.

Q. Is Jewel Hampton leaving by his choice?

FERENTZ: It was a mutual decision.

Q. Have there been any drug tests since Derrell Johnson-Koulianos' arrest?

BARTA: We drug test just about every week. So the answer is for all sports, yes, there have been additional tests since last week. But not out of the ordinary, meaning this is something we do every week. We didn't ramp up a new drug testing program since last week.

Q. Were any of them football players?

FERENTZ: A little bit ironic. We were testing 10 people at the time of the arrest.

Q. What was your initial reaction to the news about Derrell? Was it shock, anger, disappointment?

FERENTZ: If any player is arrested, particularly in this case with the charges that were brought, "shock'' is a strong word. I think I got over that about 20 years ago. Disappointment is obviously a big part of the equation. I'll leave it at that.

Q. Do you expect Adam Robinson back after the bowl game?

FERENTZ: That's a personal conversation. But my anticipation is he'll be back here in January.

Q. How do you not know that Derrell is living with a drug dealer? How much policing can you do of that?

FERENTZ: Where does it start and where does it end? That's a question I'd ask you. It hasn't been our policy in 12 years now. Maybe we should change it. We don't do background checks on roommates, girlfriends. It's a pretty wide circle of friends that our players have. I don't know how you would track down, chase each and every one of them. And that was certainly news to me, what I read in the newspaper ... I'm not sure how you'd know that. Maybe that's something we need to do, do background checks on roommates that are not on the team. That we'll consider.

Q. With Derrell, it's hard to imagine he didn't have a group of friends on the team who might have been engaging in the same behavior. Have you found that that is the case?

FERENTZ: No. To answer your question, no. But I don't know what his behaviors were, quite frankly, other than what I read in the papers.

Q. Did drugs cause an issue in the locker room?

FERENTZ: I would have no idea. Not to my knowledge, but I would have no idea.

Q. Did you have any idea before his arrest that Derrell had any kind of a drug problem whatsoever?

FERENTZ: No, I didn't.

Q. Do you think Derrell and Jewel were divisive figures on this team?

FERENTZ: Not to my knowledge. If they were, we would have done something about that. Jewel has been pretty much out of the equation now for six, seven, eight weeks, somewhere in that ballpark. He's basically been rehabbing.

Q. Do you think the reputation of this program has been damaged?

FERENTZ: I can't answer that. I know we've been diligent with what we do on a daily basis. In this case right now, we're talking about one player that had legal issues. Beyond that, that's where it is.

BARTA: For today, it's no fun to stand up here and talk about a challenge that we're dealing with. Overall, I think people know what we stand for over the long haul.

Q. Have you had conversations with the Iowa City Police Department to know what happened with Derrell?

FERENTZ: They were kind enough to come to me and let me know what was taking place last Tuesday. Ironically we were testing at that very moment when they were here, I believe it was while the arrest was taking place. So at least my first knowledge wasn't a news report. It was two officers just letting me know it was taking place.

Q. When did you realize and decide with the misinformation out there that this needed to take place, that you needed to come and talk to us?

BARTA: Initially our intent was just to release like we normally would. As the day went on, we were both getting feedback there was a lot more being said out there. When you take into account what happened last week, everything between then and now, you take into account what was starting to sound like it was just all sorts of things being said on the social networks, maybe beyond that, we just decided "Let's sit down and have a conversation.'' There's some limit to what we can say, but talk about as much as we could.

Q. Kirk, do you get a sense that when you had that meeting (with the team) last Thursday any of your players knew what was going on with Derrell, what he was doing in his private life?

FERENTZ: My guess is some did. I don't know. If that's the case, it's unfortunate nobody came forward. But, you know, I don't know.

Drug testing basics

Iowa wide receiver Derrell Johnson-Koulianos, left, will be the only player suspended for the Insight Bowl on Dec. 28 against Missouri for a drug-related issue, but the arrest prompted officials to double-check the drug testing protocols and procedures. Iowa has been doing its own drug testing over and above what is required by the NCAA and the Big Ten since 1988. Some of the basics:

- Athletic director Gary Barta said the university has about 700 student-athletes, and it conducted between 800 and 900 drug tests during the past year. Football coach Kirk Ferentz said 92 of his players were drug tested during this season, 27 by outside entities and 65 by the university.

- The NCAA and Big Ten test primarily for performance-enhancing substances. Iowa's own tests also include various street drugs, including alcohol and marijuana.

- The tests are done periodically throughout the year and are completely random. Dr. Del Miller, who oversees the testing, said test coordinators go to team practices or meetings and pull out selected athletes to be tested.

- The first time an athlete tests positive, he or she is subject to assessment and counseling but not necessarily suspension. A suspension is mandatory on subsequent offenses.

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2010年12月25日 星期六

AODA Exam Flashcard Study System: AODA Test Practice Questions & Review for the IC&RC International Written Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Counselor Exam

AODA Exam Flashcard Study System: AODA Test Practice Questions & Review for the IC&RC International Written Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Counselor ExamAODA Exam Flashcard Study System uses repetitive methods of study to teach you how to break apart and quickly solve difficult test questions on the IC&RC International Written Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Counselor Exam. Study after study has shown that spaced repetition is the most effective form of learning, and nothing beats flashcards when it comes to making repetitive learning fun and fast. Our flashcards enable you to study small, digestible bits of information that are easy to learn and give you exposure to the different question types and concepts. AODA Exam Flashcard Study System covers: Drug Dependency, Addiction, Central nervous System (CNS), Neurotransmitters, Cerebellum, Medical/Biological Model, Limbic System, Alcoholism, Barbiturates, Sedative-hypnotic drugs, Narcotics and Synthetic Narcotics, Narcotic Analog, Marijuana, Hallucinogens/Psychedelics, Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), Lysergic acid Diethylamide (LSD), Caffeine, Cocaine and Crack Cocaine, Social Causes Model, Detoxification, Parmacotherapeutic Therapy, Withdrawal Symptoms, Types of Treatment Programs, Assessment, VIPER Project, Confrontation, Group counseling, Sharon Wegscheider's Model, Claudia Black's Theory, Psychodynamic Theory, Clinical Model of Substance Abuse, Client-Centered Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Aversion Therapy, Basic Cultural Styles, Personality Disorders, Psychotic Disorders, Depression, Psychopharmacology, AIDS and HIV, Confidentiality and Client Relationships, Controlled Substances Act (CSA), Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 12-Step Program, Women for Sobriety, Self Management and Recovery Training, Drug Schedules, and much more...


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The Iowa Ferentz, Barta set things straight

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IOWA CITY, Iowa?- The last several days the Iowa football program was beginning to take on the look of a Shakespearian tragedy.

Turns out it was: Much Ado About Nothing.

All those rumors swirling about the past few days days turned out to have about as much substance as the Hawkeyes' pass defense in the final 5 minutes of some games this season.

Head coach Kirk Ferentz and athletic director Gary Barta dealt with all of it in a Tuesday morning news conference that included very little news. There are no additional player suspensions, no more arrests, no cover-up.

Everything is just hunky-dory in Iowa City.

Or at least as hunky as things can be when you're headed into a bowl game against a superior team on the wings of a three-game losing streak without your leading rusher and career receiving leader.

Depending on what wild Internet scuttlebutt you believed in the past few days, the Hawkeyes either had 23 players who had failed drug tests or they were going to suspend 11 players for the Dec. 28 Insight Bowl or Ferentz was going to be forced to resign for taking part in a cover-up of the whole mess.

It was enough to get several dozen reporters and 14 TV cameras into a small auditorium in the football complex for what turned into a nearly hour-long infomercial for the athletic program's drug-testing procedures.

Ferentz said he doesn't look at Internet message boards, but he used words such as "alarming" and "ridiculous" to describe the information that has been disseminated on them since career receiving leader Derrell Johnson-Koulianos was arrested for possession of multiple controlled substances and allegedly running a "drug house."

Barta said he and Ferentz began hearing from parents of players who were being asked about the rumors. The Iowa program meticulously shields its players from the media and Ferentz said he doesn't think reporters should be allowed to speak to parents either.

In any case, they were disturbed enough by the questions that they felt compelled to provide some answers.


Aside from Johnson-Koulianos, the only other player who has been suspended is running back Adam Robinson and that is for lack of effort in the classroom rather than anything related to drug use.

All the other Iowa players are practicing and are expected to travel to Arizona for the Insight Bowl.

Running back Jewel Hampton's transfer out of the Iowa program was a "mutual" decision, reached during a Sunday conversation between the player and Ferentz.

Iowa has not ramped up its drug-testing in the wake of the Johnson-Koulianos arrest although 10 players were in the process of being tested as Iowa City police were slapping the cuffs on the senior receiver.

Ferentz had no clue before this that Johnson-Koulianos had a drug problem or that he was living with a convicted felon. (He said he might consider doing background checks in the future on the roommates and girlfriends of players.)

Much of the session was spent detailing and extolling the virtues of Iowa's own drug-testing procedures, which Barta said go above and beyond what is mandated by the NCAA and the Big Ten. He did concede that there was evidence to suggest that some athletes might have found ways to circumvent the tests in the past. He would not say how.


Iowa wide receiver Derrell Johnson-Koulianos, left, will be the only player suspended for the Insight Bowl on Dec. 28 against Missouri for a drug-related issue, but the arrest prompted officials to double-check the drug testing protocols and procedures. Iowa has been doing its own drug testing over and above what is required by the NCAA and the Big Ten since 1988. Some of the basics:

Athletic director Gary Barta said the university has about 700 student-athletes, and it conducted between 800 and 900 drug tests during the past year. Football coach Kirk Ferentz said 92 of his players were drug tested during this season, 27 by outside entities and 65 by the university.

The NCAA and Big Ten test primarily for performance-enhancing substances. Iowa's own tests also include various street drugs, including alcohol and marijuana.

The tests are done periodically throughout the year and are completely random. Dr. Del Miller, who oversees the testing, said test coordinators go to team practices or meetings and pull out selected athletes to be tested.

The first time an athlete tests positive, he or she is subject to assessment and counseling but not necessarily suspension. A suspension is mandatory on subsequent offenses.


Excerpts from the news conference with Iowa football coach Kirk Ferentz and athletic director Gary Barta on Tuesday:

Q Are any more Iowa football players likely to be suspended?

BARTA: We don't have any more, nor do we anticipate any more.

FERENTZ: That's really one of the reasons we got together today. Learned of some phone calls that were placed to some of our parents, some of the alarming content, just ridiculous questions they were asked. I'm not a huge fan of the social networks, but so much misinformation out there. I have no idea what's out there other than the feedback I got from maybe some parents. Seemed like it was time to address this.

Q. Is Jewel Hampton leaving by his choice?

FERENTZ: It was a mutual decision.

Q. Have there been any drug tests since Derrell Johnson-Koulianos' arrest?

BARTA: We drug test just about every week. So the answer is for all sports, yes, there have been additional tests since last week. But not out of the ordinary, meaning this is something we do every week. We didn't ramp up a new drug testing program since last week.

Q. Were any of them football players?

FERENTZ: A little bit ironic. We were testing 10 people at the time of the arrest.

Q. What was your initial reaction to the news about Derrell? Was it shock, anger, disappointment?

FERENTZ: If any player is arrested, particularly in this case with the charges that were brought, "shock'' is a strong word. I think I got over that about 20 years ago. Disappointment is obviously a big part of the equation. I'll leave it at that.

Q. Do you expect Adam Robinson back after the bowl game?

FERENTZ: That's a personal conversation. But my anticipation is he'll be back here in January.

Q. How do you not know that Derrell is living with a drug dealer? How much policing can you do of that?

FERENTZ: Where does it start and where does it end? That's a question I'd ask you. It hasn't been our policy in 12 years now. Maybe we should change it. We don't do background checks on roommates, girlfriends. It's a pretty wide circle of friends that our players have. I don't know how you would track down, chase each and every one of them. And that was certainly news to me, what I read in the newspaper ... I'm not sure how you'd know that. Maybe that's something we need to do, do background checks on roommates that are not on the team. That we'll consider.

Q. With Derrell, it's hard to imagine he didn't have a group of friends on the team who might have been engaging in the same behavior. Have you found that that is the case?

FERENTZ: No. To answer your question, no. But I don't know what his behaviors were, quite frankly, other than what I read in the papers.

Q. Did drugs cause an issue in the locker room?

FERENTZ: I would have no idea. Not to my knowledge, but I would have no idea.

Q. Did you have any idea before his arrest that Derrell had any kind of a drug problem whatsoever?

FERENTZ: No, I didn't.

Q. Do you think Derrell and Jewel were divisive figures on this team?

FERENTZ: Not to my knowledge. If they were, we would have done something about that. Jewel has been pretty much out of the equation now for six, seven, eight weeks, somewhere in that ballpark. He's basically been rehabbing.

Q. Do you think the reputation of this program has been damaged?

FERENTZ: I can't answer that. I know we've been diligent with what we do on a daily basis. In this case right now, we're talking about one player that had legal issues. Beyond that, that's where it is.

BARTA: For today, it's no fun to stand up here and talk about a challenge that we're dealing with. Overall, I think people know what we stand for over the long haul.

Q. Have you had conversations with the Iowa City Police Department to know what happened with Derrell?

FERENTZ: They were kind enough to come to me and let me know what was taking place last Tuesday. Ironically we were testing at that very moment when they were here, I believe it was while the arrest was taking place. So at least my first knowledge wasn't a news report. It was two officers just letting me know it was taking place.

Q. When did you realize and decide with the misinformation out there that this needed to take place, that you needed to come and talk to us?

BARTA: Initially our intent was just to release like we normally would. As the day went on, we were both getting feedback there was a lot more being said out there. When you take into account what happened last week, everything between then and now, you take into account what was starting to sound like it was just all sorts of things being said on the social networks, maybe beyond that, we just decided "Let's sit down and have a conversation." There's some limit to what we can say, but talk about as much as we could.

Q. Kirk, do you get a sense that when you had that meeting (with the team) last Thursday any of your players knew what was going on with Derrell, what he was doing in his private life?

FERENTZ: My guess is some did. I don't know. If that's the case, it's unfortunate nobody came forward. But, you know, I don't know.

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Iowa Haukiees admitted drug testing program may drawback

Update: 14 December 2010, 8: 47 PM Etabi Adam Ritinbirg

Iowa and admitted to find "gaps and contradictions" in its math student drug testing following the arrest last week received a Drel Johnson-colinas related to drugs, but school wasn't punished over football players at this time.

Sports Director Gary Barta Tuesday school reviewed its tests after arrest colinas Johnson and found "very strong evidence" that student athletes may have found ways to circumvent these experiences. Iowa held regular test last week, and have found no specific examples of violations.

Barta said "we have not caught any people get around the system,". "Unfortunately, there is sufficient evidence in the Protocol we say we are tightening. It is very likely that someone--I don't know if one or 21-anyone got around this process.

"If only one, it makes you doubt all tests".

Colinas Johnson School announced that on the activities of the Group were arrested after being arrested on charges of drug last week. These charges of possession of controlled substances, drug home retention and illegal possession of prescription drugs.

Haukiees offensive unit is destroyed by other developments. Start restart Robinson Adam has been suspended for reasons unspecified until January as soon as possible, and will move "Hampton Joel" restart.

Virintz said Tuesday that leave in the Hamptons "decision".

Iowa, which will undertake Missouri in 28 December "Bowl insight, last week confirmed the transfer last restart, Brandon and change, is as well.

"We don't expect any more ads have a" coach "virintz Kirk". He qualified and virintz Robinson he expected students to join the group in January.

Robinson emerged as leader in Iowa again in 2009 after Hampton tore ACL in his right knee, and missed this season. This year, Robinson Haukiees (7-5 4-4 big ten) with yards rushing and landing 10 941 and despite two starts since konkoshns missing.

Virintz said that all footballers 92 drug was tested this season, 27 overseas companies and 65 within Iowa. Players are randomly tested at least once a year in school, in addition to "10" and test the NCAA.

And spend about $ 70,000 Iowa in year on year round drug testing program, which was mandated by sport universities.

Barta said that program school, which began in 1988, aims to educate and constitute a deterrent against drug abuse.

Virintz stressed that the programme had been more diligent about drug testing this season than any of the 12 seasons as coach in part due to the high expectations on his team. The Barta to renewed protocols can still on the road. The players who refuse to be tested shall be guilty of a positive experience. Positive tests two means automatic comment 10 per cent of the regular season bostsison or events. Third causes positive experience. Chapter

Adam Ritinbirg covers "big ten" football. He can be reached at I used the information from "associated press" in this report.

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2010年12月24日 星期五

2 Diseases that most feared that the Indonesian

Homepage ? ? 2 diseases that most 2 Diseases that Most Feared Indonesian feared that the Indonesian 2 diseases that most feared that the Indonesian-there is a variety of diseases
that means any person, whether or not to strike a mild or severe. But the high cholesterol and loss of vision are two of the disease to humans are Indonesia, is among the most feared threat of 5 years.

This is based on the results of the investigation, the health and well-being of the Indonesian or Philips index and well-being, which took place at the same time, the 2010 in 30 countries around the world. In addition, the study also took place in Indonesia, inter alia, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, where he is self-employed in Belgium and Australia.

Survey results indicate that the cholesterol and vision problems there is a power failure or blindness, saw a significant threat to public health over the next five years.

"Lifestyle changes in one factor may be decreased by a vision of the human eye. Ironically, many of the Indonesian people, who do not understand, so Visio to disguised a threat to the reduction of opportunities for Indonesia, "said Dr. Rini Mahendrastari Singgih, SPM, Paed. Opthal originating in Indonesia Indonesia Mahendra of Nepal Eye Clinic's Health & Wellbeing index, is the Hotel Nikko, Jakarta, Tuesday event (12/14/2010).

The second threat is feared after high cholesterol and lose power vision is drawing, influenza, arthritis, cancer, and heart attacks.

Be made of all the cities in Indonesia 1 000 of the respondents, the query also shows that 46% of the Indonesian felt itself is healthy and fine, so that 75% of the respondents took the view that need to be a doctor, or even 55% of the respondents admitted to seek to physician medical illness.

Survey also revealed that, as a general rule, 4 10 Indonesian men seek assistance with friends and family first, before visiting the doctor when sick.

Indonesia classified technology literate and have a sufficiently high Internet users in the world, but as a matter of fact, the use of the Internet for health information, the reference to the source is still relatively low. However, the participants agree that technology can bring change to a better life.

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2010年12月23日 星期四

PCP (Phencyclidine)

Also known as the pill and peace angel dust, grass, Supergrass, and much more. Phencyclidine is the name of the chemical for drug PCP. PCP illegal drugs, is probably the most dangerous hallucinogen is currently in use. PCP was used as a source of anesthesia for surgery, but due to severe impacts, he was soon revoked. At its best, it is a white powder, Crystal-like that easily has been dissolved in the water. Form impure, the drug is often Tan or brown in color and powder, paste or liquid. It is usually in the form of powder or pills or capsules.

PCP is possible by mouth or nhra; This is usually smoked, however. PCP is usually applied to cigarettes sepia or cigarettes containing products green such as Mint, oregano or even marijuana. PCP is sometimes injected, as well.

What happens when you're on PCP?

PCP is difficult to classify. Different people respond to drugs in different ways. Effects of the use of PCP in the standard include:

At low doses:

Blood pressure that is shallow and breathingIncreased and rateIncrease that sweatingRapid temperatureExcessive, involuntary eye movementExaggerated walkNumbnessBlurred eyesightSlurred speech

Use a high or medium dishes with long-term:

Quick-release blood pressure, heart rate and visionDizziness breathingNausea and vomitingBlurred loss of speech problemsDecreased consciousness spasms coordinationPermanent painMuscle movementsConvulsions be jerky and ultimately lead to coma or deathPermanent brain, heart and lung damageFear people, thingsMemory lossFlashbacksAgitationCatatonia

When people use phencyclidin, it is difficult to determine the sort. Don't know exactly what you get and often harsh responses to drugs.

Psychological effects of PCP include:

Ability to think clearlyMild euphoriaFear goat, anxiety, panicDetachment from strengthSense realityExtraordinary of invulnerabilityViolenceFlashbacksDelusions

High packet and excessive PCP lead often symptoms are almost indistinguishable from those of schizophrenia. With doses of 150 mg or more, death can also occur. With other drugs, long-term abuse can cause severe mental and physical damage. Speech problems, memory loss, persistent anxiety depression is severe and only a portion of the long-term effects. This is a very dangerous drugs.

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Major international study for testing new heart disease drug

The trial REVEAL will examine whether a drug called anacetrapib determination of threat of coronary deaths, heart attacks and other vascular complications can drive. The study will involve 30,000 people who have some form of heart or other disease from the United Kingdom, North America, China, Germany, Italy, Scandinavia and elsewhere.

REVEAL is funded by Sharp & Dohme, which anacetrapib developed. A grant of £ 96 million for the cost of these multi-million dollar study at the University of Oxford. This is the largest single research contract ever undertaken by the University.

Professor Andrew Hamilton, Vice Chancellor of the University of Oxford, said: "I am pleased that the Oxford clinical trial Service Unit this important international process is running. The new project on such a massive scale reinforces the Oxford medicine position at the forefront of international research. The University has built up the skills and expertise for many years these complex – and very important – independent , the results of which may cost millions of lives around the world can. "

CTSU is known for performing major international studies, including the ground-breaking heart protection study that showed that one third of all heart attacks and strokes be safe in people at risk of disease to avoid using Statins lower "bad" LDL-. The unit also showed that more intensive lowering of LDL cholesterol with Statins secure additional benefits.

A new type of cholesterol drug

Anacetrapib is a new type of cholesterol treatment, belonging to a known as CETP (cholesteryl ester transfer protein) inhibitors, drug class that is being developed by Merck Sharp & Dohme. It is found for the production of significant reduction in the levels of the blood of "bad" LDL-cholesterol (equivalent to, and besides, who achieved with statin drugs), and the more than doubled from ' good ' HDL cholesterol levels.

Anacetrapib is examined in about 2000 people, of whom approximately 500 have taken for 18 months. In this study, led by a team from Brigham and women's Hospital in Boston, was anacetrapib not associated with adverse effects on one of the most important security endpoints, including blood pressure or other vascular risk factors. The results were reported yesterday in the New England Journal of Medicine and the American Heart Association Conference in Chicago.

Large randomized studies have shown that the risk of heart attacks and strokes lowering LDL-cholesterol by 1 mmol/L for 4 and 5 years with statin therapy by about a quarter cuts, and recent studies suggest that the more intensive LDL lowering of additional benefits can produce. But, despite the use of statins, the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other vascular complications in people who have diseases remains high.

Previous studies have also shown that people with high blood levels of HDL cholesterol tends to be less coronary heart attacks or deaths. However, there is limited evidence of benefits with the drugs that are currently available for raising HDL cholesterol, and widespread use of the most effective of these drugs HDL-raising – which is called niacin-is limited by side effects and poor tolerability.

The new process

Dr. Martin Landray of the University of Oxford, one of the rig researchers of REVEAL, said: "this study may mark the beginning of a new era of cholesterol treatment. Anacetrapib has really dramatic effects on blood levels of cholesterol, even in those already on a statin, and it seems to be well tolerated.

"The key question now is whether this cholesterol changes prevent coronary deaths and heart attacks. It is also crucial to determine whether there is any unexpected side effects in the longer term. The potential is huge, but we have a really large process once-REVEAL is that test. '

Dr. Louise Bowman of the University of Oxford, the other trial investigator, said: "this is a very exciting opportunity to try and improve the lives of the millions of people who have or will develop, heart diseases in the next few years.

"Large studies such as REVEAL are vital if we want to discover new, safe and effective ways to further the suffering caused by heart attacks, strokes and risky heart artery by-pass procedures.

"If the impressive effects of anacetrapib on cholesterol levels are translated into fewer deaths and heart attacks, this treatment has the potential to produce significant benefits to patients."

Reveal is a huge research firm and lasts more than 6 years to complete, with doctors and nurses in approximately 400 hospitals all over the world. It will be the recruitment of 30,000 men and women age 50 with a history of , stroke or peripheral arterial disease.

CTSU Oxford of the study has designed and is responsible for the coordination and analysis of the results, regardless of the financiers. A Steering Committee of international academic experts, chaired by professor Rory Collins from the University of Oxford, is responsible for the overall functioning of the study.

CTSU will the central coordination centre, with 6 regional coordination centres in the first instance in the United Kingdom, North America, China, Germany, Italy and Scandinavia. The Horn-research group in Boston, under the leadership of professor Eugene Braunwald will coordinate the North American part of the study.

Professor Jeremy Pearson, Associate Medical Director of the British Heart Foundation, said: "this is an important process, under the leadership of BHF-funded researchers. Some drugs increase "good" cholesterol and reduce "bad", but CETP inhibitors do both. This research will show whether this drug can improve survival rates, potential gives new hope for millions of people whose cholesterol levels put them at serious risk of heart disease. "

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2010年12月22日 星期三

FDA recalls recommendation for breast cancer Drug Avastin

The food and Drug Administration announced today (16 december) that it recommends that Avastin (bevacizumab) cannot be used for the treatment of breast cancer.

The FDA said the drug benefits are offset by the health risks. The drug received accelerated approval from the FDA in 2008 for use in the treatment of breast cancer in conjunction with chemotherapy. However, four studies found that the survival of patients with advanced breast cancer patients are not increasing, nor has slowing the spread of the cancer, according to the Agency.

The four clinical trials, that the effectiveness and safety of a substance test before a drug can be approved, finds a link between the drug and severe high blood pressure, bleeding and hemorrhage and the development of holes in the lining that separates the left and right nose holes, as well as the perforations in the stomach and intestines, the FDA said. The drug is also linked to heart attacks and heart failure.

"After careful evaluation of the clinical data, we recommend that the breast cancer entry for Avastin are removed on the basis of evidence from four independent studies," Dr. Janet Woodcock, Director of the FDA Center for drug evaluation and research, said in a statement.

In July of this year, an independent Advisory Committee voted to revoke the approval of Avastin as a treatment for breast cancer after reading data from previous studies.

Woodcock said that none of the studies patients demonstrated that Avastin took longer lived or experienced a significant increase in serious side effects. But the limited effects of the drug, combined with the potential risks, led the FDA to the decision to withdraw the approval of the drug for the treatment of breast cancer, she said.

"The results of these studies are disappointing," Woodcock said. "We encourage the company to further research to determine where there may be certain groups of patients of this drug benefit can."

The FDA announcement does not mean, however, it will be removed from the market or have no effect on its use for the treatment of breast cancer. The announcement also has no effect on the drug used for the treatment of the colon, kidney, lung and brain cancer, according to the FDA.

Doctors who their patients treated with Avastin for breast cancer should use their own judgement or their patients using the drug should remain, the FDA said.

The FDA has notified the manufacturer, Genentech Avastin, of his recommendation to withdraw approval on the market of the drug for breast cancer treatment purposes. Genentech has the ability to request a hearing to contest the recommendation; If not, the hearing in 15 days, starts the FDA the process for the breast cancer indication of the drug.

Breast cancer patient advocacy group Susan g. Komen for the cure and the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance in August a statement urging the FDA to withdraw its recommendation of Avastin for the treatment of cancer of the breast.

She said that although the FDA approval is not necessary for a doctor legal to write a patient, Avastin has meant that insurance companies are unable to cover the drug can choose.

Pass: the FDA has begun the process of withdrawal of the approval of Avastin (bevacizumab) are used for the treatment of breast cancer.

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Drug Testing Facts

There's no one who finds the drugtest any substance being consumed by you. You can test any kind of drugs for independently. NIDA exam minimum must be for five departments:

Amphetamines and methamphetamines (Ectasy and Phentermine displays here) phencyclidine CocaineOpiates (heroin, opium, morphine, codeine) Cannabinoids (marijuana, hashish) (PCP)

Additional drugs tests include:

Anabolic steroids (Stanazolol, Nandrolene) Barbituates (Amytal, Seconal, Nembutal, Fioricet), Benzodiazepines (Xanax, Ativan, Klonapin Librium, valium,) MethadoneMethaqualonePropoxyphene (Darvon, Darvocet)

Drug detection times afecting factors:

Metabolism (faster metabolism gets rid of the material more easily) (frequency) history of the use (large frequency — longer time detection) and tolerance (using long brings a higher tolerance and find shorter) weigth body (body weight, the longer period ID) Technorati potency of drugs , , , , , , , , , ,

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How can you stop taking drugs

Daily users of drugs produce physical dependence as opioids (e.g., heroin) relaxation-hypnotics (for example, benzodiazepines and barbiturates) almost always require a medical evaluation, detoxification processes with medications. Rehab Center from opioids is a very unpleasant but not life-threatening; On the other hand, pull than hypnotics relaxation can be very dangerous, as it may cause seizures may be life-threatening.

In General, people are no easier to/using alternate or rolling more for everyday use. In particular, people who daily opioids, hypnotics relaxation, wake like cocaine or cannabis has a great deal of difficulty to stop. When they are stopped, they usually fight "remain stopped." for most users the drug every day, they frequently ?????? rule rather than exception. For this reason, the process of rehabilitation should include a comprehensive training in "relapse prevention". Like alcohol, medical detoxification processes is only the first step of a long process difficult.

When a person dependent on drugs continues her freedom in spite of serious efforts to get clean and remain clean, it's time to get heavy artillery. Heavy artillery including self-help groups involved intensive, residential treatment, and killing of medication records such as methadone and LAAM.

Related post: test drug can suddenly destruction of your career and your life

Technorati , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Ur-Ine Trouble

Ur-Ine TroubleThe truth about drug testing: Why drug users are passing and non-users are failing.

* Backed by 172 medical references, written in easy-to-understand language.

* Discloses the foods and medications that will cause a false positive test.

* Uncovers how drug testing can be used to discriminate against women and minorities.

* Medical secrets of passing drug tests revealed. Author Kent Holtorf, M.D. wrote this book to debunk the myths associated with drug testing. Backed with 172 medical references, this first-of-its-kind testament exposes the discrimination as well as ethical issues surrounding drug testing and raises serious questions about the accuracy of such tests. People are being denied employment because of false positive tests due to medications and many common foods that they are not aware of. These injustices have not previously surfaced because employers rarely tell job candidates or employees that they failed a drug test. Thus, people are unaware that they were denied employment or forced from their job due to a false positive result.

For instance, did you know how easy it is to fail a drug test, even if you've never taken drugs? Did you know the foods you eat can cause you to test positive? And did you know the many other surprising ways you could falsely test positive? If you didn't, you'll want to arm yourself with the knowledge found in this book. If you don't, you could be the next person denied employment due to a false positive drug test.

Also, the author doesn't believe that drug testing offers any benefit in deterring or treating illicit drug use. And, he says, it violates the rights of those it is designed to protect. Thus, he has no reservations about revealing medical secrets to passing drug tests.

Price: $19.95

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2010年12月21日 星期二

Pomegranate Fruit Juice spread on the Cancer cells inhibition

Homepage ? ? Pomegranate Fruit Juice inhibition spread Pomegranate Fruit Juice of Cancer cells Pomegranate Fruit Juice-Los Angeles, fruit, overcoming the re-the benefits of the disease, cancer experts expressed. Currently shown to prevent the spread of prostate cancer bone tissue Pomegranate juice. Ravitsevaa fruit is believed to also other types of cancers at an early stage.

Granaattiomenat or Pomegranate (punica granatum) originates from the Middle East, but has spread to different areas. These plants can live in a tropical or subtropical climates and ornamental plants are often planted separately, of kinds which bear edible fruit.

Several months ago, the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) the investigation showed, in order to prevent the growth of cancer cells in efficacy. But at that time, researchers failed to explain biological means, such as a compound, which cause this ravitsevaa fruit.

Even if the undertakings which Granaattiomenat research, which is the delivery of the Pom Wonderful Trade Commission was fine in the United States. This company to give, false claim, Pomegranate fruit benefits related to the existence of a causal link is not yet clear.

Recently, at the same time, however, the researchers finally managed to show that the determination of the cancer cells induced by the Pomegranate fruit. Prostate cancer other polybrominated analogues of these compounds to prevent the spread of cancer in the bone tissue and fluid displacement into the surrounding the attacks.

Useful for the success of shall be deemed to be important for the identification of compounds Granaattiomenat enough, even if the efficacy of this fruit is well known in the past. Researchers said the change in the natural compounds, now it is possible to improve its effectiveness.

"Genes and proteins involved in Since the spread of prostate cancer cells are not much different from other types of cancer, it can be a little edit Granaattiomenat acidity, in terms of other types of cancer," said Dr. Manuela Martins-green-UCLA, as mentioned, starting from the Dailymail, Tuesday (12/14/2010).

Results were presented at the annual meeting of the American society for cell Biology 5th (up/ir) KOMPAS

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