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2011年3月26日 星期六

Encrypt Capitol: Senate seeks more money for drug tests schools; unemployment benefits?

Collected from staff and wire reports


More school funding?

Rather than dwell on the limit 4 billion public school aid in draft State budget, members of the Senate on Thursday on the positive side of their new public education.

Add $ 5.3 billion proposed budget will make contribution to the State in public schools, similar to what now, Sen. Tommy Williams "wooded shabby".

In fact, a State in the 2010-2011, $ 37 billion in "school program", which provides direct funding per student for public education. Will "Finance Committee" agreed Thursday that total under revision $ 38.5 billion.

But the proposal that the entire school districts. For example, it doesn't include all the necessary funds to pay for new students 80,000 expected Texas classrooms in each of the next two years.

"Senator Florence Shapiro", r-Plano, the revised budget has improved markedly when displayed.

"Bill absolutely unacceptable rule. ... Shapiro said that no one who did not agree with that, ".

He urged the Senate left how will for its proposal. Consider another Subcommittee in this matter.


House passes voter ID

With little fanfare or discussion, passed voter identification Bill House at third reading Thursday morning. The vote 101-48 — same as electoral vote late the previous night.

A major event in the second reading debate, which ended just before midnight Wednesday.

By the end of that debate, the house divided — literally.

The microphone in the front hall "House Republicans"-white, mostly in support of members — stood by Bill, Rep. Patricia Harless, spring p..

The mic in the back of conference room, auditorium for Democrats – mostly minorities — gather around Rep. Garnet Coleman, d-Houston, who talked about how people knew him for denying minority voters.

This procedure requires the Texas show proper ID such as driver's license or State issued identification card or military ID or passport-votes. Now the Bill goes to Conference Committee to put differences with less stringent Senate version.


Drug tests of benefits?

Lawmakers consider legislation requiring Texas unemployed drug test before collecting unemployment benefits.

Proposal by Republican representative Ken ligler Pasadena would deny unemployment benefits to those who failed the drug test.

Texas employers testifying before a House Committee Thursday they require drug testing Act of applicants before hiring, and promoting the confidence of potential workers free of drugs.

Opponents say the legislation will violate the right to privacy and to raise constitutional issues. Texas says chapter of the American Federation of teachers "should not have thousands of teachers facing layoffs because of budget cuts to be drug tested to obtain unemployment benefits.


Bison stray protected

The Senate unanimously passed a bill Thursday would protect bison in Texas from stray shot as liners.

Not 19th century anymore, but this may be as close as you get this legislative session.

Under Senate Bill 478 State Senator Craig Estes, R-Wichita Falls, will give owners of stray bison grazing the same rights as cattle owners.

Now the Bill goes to Parliament for consideration.


Flat Stanley drops

Many children character "flat Stanley" surprise "appearance in the Texas Senate today, to take pictures with legislators briefly.

Sen. Rodney Ellis, d-Houston, bringing smiles to character cut-out, at the request of his daughter 7 years old.

Stanley flat is the cornerstone of the global project launched by Canadian Dale Hubert teacher, primary age children character drawing and cutting with images is in Muscat and elsewhere. Then the mail Stanley to friends to continue the series of events. Eventually they write about the adventures of Stanley, was designed by international literacy and community building activity. Alice got various senators and Senate Clerk and journalists to pose with "flat Stanley" during a brief appearance.

What's ahead

Both houses are adjourned until Monday; House returns 1 a.m., the Senate at 1: 30 pm

View the original article here

